ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


I soooooo need a vacation!

RIP, Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle! Michael Jeter, 1952 ~ 2003

Happy April Fool's Day! Happy 34th birthday to my cousin Missy!

Whew. What a week. If ever I needed a vacation, it's now. I'm glad there's one planned.

No, the ebay situation still isn't completely resolved. I'm still not receiving e-mails from ebay or from sellers through ebay. I haven't heard back from ebay as to why this is happening. They did say it would take several days to reply. I'm just grateful this didn't end up as badly as it could have. I think the worst is probably over. *She said hopefully*

I'm trying to get things ready for my trip. I still have a couple of things I need to get, toiletry~wise. I'm almost out of Krispy Kreme lotion! I need to try to find some or I'll end up taking plain ol' lotion! LOL!

I'm typing an itinerary for Stephanie and Matt to have handy while the kids are in their care. I know they're familiar with most things around here, but unless you have kids yourself, you can't possibly know all the little things around a house that are a potential danger or that a child could destroy in three seconds flat. Like...

"Keep the dishwasher tabs out of Griffin's reach. He chews them like breath mints"

"Don't look at Jameson in the morning until he's been awake for at least half an hour. He falls to pieces otherwise."

"Evan will try to convince you that I pay him for going to the bathroom or for not stealing my soda. This is NOT the case."

"When giving Griffin a banana or juice, don't hand it to him directly. Set it down and allow him to find it on his own or he throws a fit."

"Evan has to sleep with the TV on all night or he'll think that Voldemort is in the hallway."

Things like that. I also need to give her tour of the House O' Dysfunction so she can find things like underwear, socks, towels... since we have everything stored in the least likely of places in this damn place. This is almost as much trouble as just taking the kids along with me. No. Scratch that. I really need a break. I love them to pieces, but I need a break. I need a full night's sleep without being kicked in the chest or waking up in a pool of someone's piss. I want to take a shower without having to referee fights through the glass door. I want to walk into a store without fighting over who has to sit in a cart, who has to walk and whether or not they'll be treats issued afterwards. I can see it now... I'll park my dad's car in the lot of the outlet mall in CA and out of habit, I'll spin around to the backseat and say to no one, "We are NOT buying candy, we are NOT buying videos, DVDs or toys. YOU are sitting in the shopping cart, and YOU (*points to other empty seat in car*) can walk as long as you don't run away from me or put your hands all over shit. If you run away or touch things even ONCE, you're in the shopping cart. (*Wags finger in air*) AND DON'T YOU THROW A FIT! You've been warned! We are NOT walking down the toy aisle, not even to LOOK. We are NOT buying Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and no, you do NOT need new shoes. Yes the shoes you have DO still fit you, we only bought them FRIDAY, for heaven's sake. GOT IT?!?!?!"

Well, mom? Do you?

I so need a break.

Tonight and tomorrow is American Idol and Thursday the KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!! Please excuse writer while she does anticipatory dance of joy...

Ok, I'm done. Then on Saturday, I leave for my trip. I'm glad that Kevin and I got into a fight over the weekend and that I pretended to rip his plane ticket into shreds. It was then that I notcied he's flying into a different airport than I originally thought. For shits and giggles, I looked up my own flight info. I thought all this time that I was flying American. I'm not. I'm flying Southwest! I could just invision myself discovering this at the airport. Did I or did I not tell you I need a vacation? I'm losin' it fast.

Why do I run into ex~boyfriends at the grocery store on days when I'm wearing sloppy sweatpants, no make up and a head full of frizz? Just curious.

I'm going to try to head on over to my other diary and write about the Corey Clark scandal! Thanks for the info, Sommer!

Bye all! (For now)

6:07 a.m. - 2003-04-01


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