ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


A Home Invasion

Yeah, yeah... I know I should be packing. Leave me alone. I'm out of boxes except for the ones buried in the depths of the hell known as my basement. I refuse to use them, as they reek suspiciously of cat piss and are infested with roly polies and spiders. Each box I pull out of the dungeon contains a bigger spider than the one preceeding it. The last spider was driving his own Buick, so I feel the need to not see what's in the next box in line.

I'm not the only one out of boxes. So is my entire redneck city. I've cruised the loading/packing/receiving area of every store in a fifteen miles radius and no one has a single box. The larger stores have balers (sp?). The smaller stores have frequent recycling pick-ups. I'm tempted to start packing things in Shop 'n' Save grocery bags.

I'm still shaking from stress after this mornings visit from the home inspector. The first guy to show up (half an hour early) started the inspection. The second was the radon guy to drop bombs in our basement. Next came the termite inspector.

Everyone join me now in a "THANK HEAVENS FOR NO TERMITES dance...

Finished? Okay. The next car to show up was the buyer and his parents. I don't know why, but this guy rubs me the wrong way. He probably doesn't recognize my normally lovable self...





(I'm waiting for you to stop laughing)

Anyway, he probably doesn't recognize my normally lovable self behind the gruff, grumpy exterior he always sees when he's here. He just irritates the hell out of me. He and his parents, who seem really sweet, but again... I was irritated by their very presence... stood around my house, under foot all morning. I was trying to get a very moody Jameson off to school and everywhere I turned - there they were. It felt so invasive having strange people in my home.

The final invader to arrive was the inspector from the title company. He opened a few windows, turned on my dishwasher and left.

I'm grateful Kevin came home to experience the rectal exam inspection phase, as well. I would have died from an anxiety attack had I been here alone.

They were here for almost three hours. I don't know what the report will say, but all, if any, problems are now the responsibility of the new owner as far as I'm concerned. We have enough to worry about.

The building inspector really pushed my buttons while he was here. He opened every window, turned on every light, turned off every fan, turned on my exhaust fan, opened all the blinds, ran all my faucets, opened doors that were shut, shut doors that were open and HIT MY CHEVELLE WITH HIS LADDER!!!

The only thing he undid when he finally left, was to shut the water off. I had to go back through and do everything else. I was ranting and raving at the top of my lungs to Kevin...

"That fucker!! He left every Goddamn door open, every fuckin' light on and turned off all my ceiling fans!!"

Then I realized he was still in the basement with the buyer. Oh well. I'm glad he heard me. Asshat.

I really really really really wanna take a nap, but I have to go price some garage sale things while the older kids are in school and Griffin is asleep. But I doan wanna!!

But I gotta. See you later.

1:35 p.m. - 2003-07-29


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