ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


House Hunters

Are you ready for this? Lo and behold, my loving family did let me sleep in yesterday! Until 9:00am! I haven't slept that late in a decade or more. Kevin was kind enough to get up with the boys and even managed to keep them quiet. I had a dream that he came in and asked if I wanted him to go get bagels for breakfast. He said he would take the boys with him. Next thing I know, Jameson comes bounding in the room, saying, "I love you ~ the bagels are ready!" I guess it wasn't a dream after all.

Matt and Stephanie are trying to buy a house and have one picked out they're in love with. They wanted us to take a look at it with them yesterday, but we couldn't get ahold of the owner all day to schedule an appointment. (It's a FSBO.) The owner did finally call back late yesterday, and they scheduled an appointment for us to see it tonight at 7:00pm. The place is absolutely adorable from the outside, with a huge backyard and all new siding, roof, windows and garage door. If it were bigger,I'd suggest we buy it for ourselves!

We also looked at some model homes. The development across from Evan's school is quite expensive. The houses are quite a bit more than the same homes in other areas, because there's going to be a lake and fitness trail eventually. In addition to cost of the house, each of the lots has a premium, because they're all 1/3 to 1/2 acre parcels. As much I would like to live that close to Evan's school, we simply can't afford their prices. With the house, the land and the extras we would have to add, we'd be up to about $275,000. We can't afford that on Kevin's present salary. We may as well move to California, if we're going to spend that much.

Back home, Stephanie made dinner for us ~ chicken enchiladas, refried beans and spanish rice. It was pretty good, espeically since I didn't have to do any of it! I offered to help several times, but she wanted to do it all. She even cleaned up. It was a nice treat.

Monika brought over some iris bulbs for us to plant alongside the house. I hope I can do so and not kill them. I have such a brown thumb. Plants are doomed in my care.

This is the last week of school for the boys. Tomorrow is Jameson's circus (oh shit! I have to finish his costume!), then Thursday is his and Evan's last day. I haven't heard anything about summer school yet. That's typical. Two years ago, we didn't get the info until the day school started. I wish there was a program I could utilize for Jameson for the summer. He loves school and will be so disappointed when he doesn't get to go for a few weeks. C'mon July 24th! That's the first day of schools next term.

I gave the house a good thorough cleaning yesterday and the laundry is all caught up. I really don't have much I have to do today, other than head out to the store for a few things. I have a free day! I plan to do alot of sitting around.

Have a great day!

7:35 a.m. - 2003-06-02


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