ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


202 things about Linda

Void of ideas for a real entry, I'm going to repost an entry from my old diary. For the most part, it'll be a re~run for my old readers, but I've thrown in some changes here and there for shits and giggles.


I love Clay Aiken... okay, that one is so obvious, I won't even count it!

1. My boys mean the world to me and I would walk through fire for each of them

2. I would give everything I own to live in California again

3. I love the smell and sound of the ocean

4. I think tulips are the most beautiful of all flowers

5. I love fine point markers, but not rollerball or gel pens

6. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my handwriting. If even one loop isn't perfect, I start over

7. I used to do life drawings in pencil and would like to start doing them again

8. I am fascinated by art supplies, school supplies, office supplies and teacher supplies

9. I love mowing the lawn

10. I hate hypocrites, but I accept that we all posess some degree of hypocrisy

11. I am totally against circumcision. The practice is barbaric and medically unnecessary in 99.9% of the cases

12. I am opposed to abortion, under any circumstances

13. I am addicted to the internet

14. My mother is one of my dearest friends

15. I am passionate about music. There are many songs I love so much, I cry when I hear them because of their meaning to me or I hate them so much I would smash a radio to avoid hearing them

16. I have no attention span and can't remember a thing about books I've read or movies I've seen, with only a few exceptions

17. I hate my body

18. I love my complexion

19. I have a talent, but no time, for scrapbooking

20. I am useless when it comes to sewing

21. I love birdhouses but I hate birds (they scare me)

22. I enjoy The Wiggles and would watch them even if I didn't have kids

23. My closest friends are those who live the furthest from me

24. I love American muscle cars from the late 60s

25. I love chocolate milk

26. I am sentimental and frequently reminisce about a time when I was happier

27. I love to decorate

28. I wish I had enough money to never have to wait for a utility disconnection notice again

29. I despise football, basketball and hockey

30. I love baseball. I can't put into words how happy it makes me

31. I love spring

32. Doorbells scare me to death and I never answer them unless I'm expecting someone

33. I can't sit on any seat that's warm from someone else just sitting on it

34. I have to smell the spices I cook with, even if I have used them in the same recipe a thousand times

35. I can remember the hotel room numbers of every hotel I've ever stayed in on every trip

36. I would give up my pets before I would give up my internet access

37. I am infuriated by people who butcher the English language

38. I will never catch up on my scrapbooking, no matter how long I live

39. I have never even held a cigarette, let alone smoked one

40. I experimented with drinking when I was 14, and can count on one hand the number of alcoholic drinks I've had since then

41. I've never tried any street drugs and never would

42. I wouldn't get a tatoo if my life depended on it and I'm dissappointed when I see others with them

43. I think black women and Asian women are the most beautiful women on earth

44. I am wild about green eyes

45. I think grey hair on a man is so sexy

46. I swear

47. I look awful in red

48. I still have my first car

49. I have had every color hair there is to have

50. I think most Christians are hypocrites

51. I am scared to death of going to the dentist

52. I am in favor of mandatory sterilization

53. I am in favor of the death penalty

54. I can't type to save my soul

55. I have low self esteem

56. I love to drive

57. I am easily annoyed

58. I think Kevin has the most obnoxious friends on earth

59. I just recently converted to CD from cassette and to DVD from VHS

60. I look forward to my People magazine every week

61. I think sports figures and Hollywood entertainers should switch salaries with policemen and firemen

62. I have trouble spending money on myself

63. I am sleep deprived

64. I can't brake right footed or steer right handed

65. I am a high school drop out

66. I am claustrophobic

67. I can't drive to talk radio or silence

68. I need more "me" time

69. I can't stand brown roofs

70. I don't like dogs

71. I have a weak stomach for mice, snakes and spiders, but I can watch surgeries being performed on the Discovery Health channel

72. I hate unloading the dishwasher

73. My dresser drawers are obsessively neat, but my closets are a disaster

74. I am not amused by jokes about mental illness

75. I wouldn't wear trendy clothes even if I had the body to pull it off

76. I have gained 50 pounds since my wedding day

77. I dislike my in-laws

78. I am a bitch

79. I love American Idol more than words can express

80. I have gotten four traffic tickets since I began driving. All of them were for bullshit violations

81. I got my driver's license on May 1, 1983

82. I am addicted to Chap Stick

83. I love breakfast burritos

84. I can't wait to go back to California again for a visit

85. Crooked pictures hanging on the wall drive me insane

86. I love the smell of lavender

87. I would love to have a job writing Kindergarten and preschool cirriculums

88. I love naming imaginary children

89. I love scalding hot baths

90. I would rather have a good backrub than sex

91. I look horrible in jeans

92. I love Ziploc bags and keep just about everything in them

93. I have a fear of going out in public

94. I would rather have two broken arms and two broken legs than to vomit

954. My favorite job was when I worked as a retail clerk for Hallmark

96. Kevin and I filed for divorce in 1999 and contemplated it again in 2002

97. I love Beavis and Butthead

98. I don't speak to my neighbors and I couldn't be happier about it

99. I have no desire to go to a foreign country

100. I am fascinated by weather

101. Some of the things I wanted to be when I grew up: a disc jockey, a real estate agent, a teacher, a graphic artist and an interior designer

102. I am related to Thomas Jefferson

103. I get car sick in the back seat

104. I wish I had a closer relationship with my brother

105. I suffer from migraines

106. I can vividly remember dreams I had in my childhood

107. I despise Rosie O'Donnell

108. I always feel like there's something else more important I should be doing

109. I can't for the life of me see what people see in Eminem or Nelly

110. I suffer from panic attacks

111. I wear socks around the house, no matter the temperature

112. Those socks have to match what I'm wearing, even if I'm only wearing jammies

113. I think mullets are the most ridiculous hairstyles to ever adorn a head

114. I used to play the guitar, keyboards and drums

115. Pampers, not Huggies

116. McDonald's, not Burger King and certainly not Hardee's

117. Coke, not Pepsi

118. Jay Leno, not David Letterman

119. I am the only person I know who doesn't like the show "Friends". In fact, I hate it

120. I so admire Mark McGwire, not only for his baseball ability, but because of his generousity with children's charities. Plus, he's a babe

121. I can't stand my house being dirty, but I'm helpless to do anything about it most of the time

122. I buy generics most of the time, with a few exceptions

123. I have broken the following bones: shoulder, collar bone, three ribs, knee cap and left leg

124. I have never worn braces

125. I can't stand shirt sleeves that fit tightly around my wrists

126. I can't drink plain, unflavored water, unless I'm dying of thirst

127. I used to think cell phones were frivolous and unecessary, now I can't imagine not having one with me at all times

128. My favorite colors are maroon, sage green and taupe

129. It has to be below freezing before I'll wear a coat

130. I look awful in hats

131. I had a happy, normal and relatively uneventful childhood

132. Every car I've ever owned has been a GM product

133. I love to walk through model homes

134. I slept with an overhead light on in my room until I was twelve

135. I learned to read at age three

136. I have been in the following states: CA, AZ, UT, NV, MN, CO, TX, AR, KS, MO, IL, IN, OH, TN, KY, NC, MI, WI, IO

137. I have lived in five apartments and seven houses

138. My first job was as a crew leader at Taco Bell

139. I love candy

140. I HATE celery

141. I don't photograph well

142. I hate to get out of the shower

143. I cry easily and I cry alone

144. I can't roller skate

145. I've never been ice skating

146. I love to swim

147. I was afraid to swim until I was a teenager

148. I love strawberries

149. I've given up on my collections (Cherished Teddies, dolls...)

150. I have a constant ringing in my ears

151. I have never had an imaginary friend

152. I have never been Baptised or Christened. I don't believe a baby or child needs to be "cleansed of his sins"

153. I lost my virginity on June 27th, 1982. I was 15

154. I can count on one hand the number of zits I've had, even as a teenager

155. I'm not sure if I believe in a higher being, but I believe wholeheartedly in angels

156. I don't like to hear other people's music

157. I suck at bowling

158. The tornado siren scares the hell out of me, even when it's only being tested

159. When I was a child I couldn't wait to grow up so I could drink coffee!

160. I love coffee

161. I can tolerate most kinds of music, except rap

162. I think "Canon" by Pachelbel is the most beautiful song ever written

163. I get nervous when talking on the phone

164. I get tongue-tied easily, hence #163

165. I crave sweets

166. I hate direct sunlight, but love sunny days

1676. I love the sound of rain

168. I hated Ally McBeal

169. I wish people were more tolerant of overweight people and mentally ill people

170. I can't write on unlined paper

171. I have arthritis in my wrists and back

172. I don't think I look my age (but close!)

173. My parents are cool

174. I enjoy folding laundry, but hate putting it away

175. I am a Republican

176. I vote

177. I would die before I would shop at Aldi

178. I have knowingly written bad checks (gotta eat, you know!)

179. I don't like people getting too close to me, physically

180. I am anal about germs and won't shake hands with people

181. I hate people who throw cigarette butts out car windows

182. Cigarette smoke makes me violently ill

183. I think all restaurants should be non-smoking

184. I never wear jewelry anymore

185. My toenails have never been painted

186. I don't shave my legs all winter

187. I love libraries

188. I hate people who don't put their kids in car seats or their older kids in seat belts

189. I have never owned a gun

190. If I owned a gun, I might use it on Kevin's ex~wife

191. I don't think celebrities should be allowed to adopt children

192. I don't think alcoholism is a "disease", it's a conscious choice

193. I had never watched any "reality" show, until American Idol. I get enough reality at home

194. My legal name is Melinda Christine, which is actually only a version of my given name

195. I don't gamble

196. I am not in favor of unions

197. I'm 5'5"

198. I look better pregnant

199. I have been on many diets

200. I hate exercise

201. I spend too much time on the computer

202. Writing in this diary is theraputic for me

That was exhausting! Let me know if I have any duplicates, nnn-kay? Nnn-kay. Soooo... know anything new about me?

DISCLAIMER: These facts weren't listed to offend anyone. I don't expect everyone to agree with me about everything. Spare me the hate mail and I'll respect your opinions, as well. K?

3:33 p.m. - 2003-03-28


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