ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Can't Think of a Title Today

Yay, the kids go back to school today! Although, I can't complain much. They were really good yesterday, I enjoyed having them around. I know they're glad to go back to school though. Being home with boring ol' mom is no fun, I'm sure.

I'm such a scatterbrain. I went to Target yesterday. I had the presence of mind to bring my list for a change. I got everything I needed (and then some) and went to go check out. I went to grab my debit card and realized I didn't have my purse. Luckily, I had only left it in the car, not all the way back home. I thought about leaving the kids in the cart while I ran out to the car to get it, but thought better of it. I took the cart to customer service and told them what had happened. I asked if I could leave the cart there while I went out to retrieve my purse. You'd have thought I asked the girl at customer service to raise my kids or something. She was sooo put out. I took the kids back out to the parking lot with me, got my purse and paid for my stuff.

On the way home, the kids asked me if we could stop and get lunch. After the morning I was having, I was delighted at the thought of not having to cook. They requested Jack-in-the-Box. I drove to the nearest one and we ordered lunch. I have been pretty good on my diet and I told myself I was not going to order any greasy fast food crap for myself. The next thing I know, an order for greasy fast food crap comes out of my mouth. I ordered two tacos, fries and a chipotle chicken sandwich. I love their tacos. They're the best! I got our food and went on my way.

As I'm driving away, I took a swig of the diet coke I had ordered. PFFFTTTUI! It was regular coke! BLECCH!! I thought, oh well. No big deal, not worth going back to complain. Then for shits and giggles (and for a fry to get rid of the coke taste) I peeked into the bags to discover they hadn't given me my tacos! Oh, the humanity! Pouring the wrong drink is one thing. Shorting me my greasy, fast food crap is quite another! I flipped a "U" and went back to raise some hell. The stupid window clerk didn't seem the least bit apologetic about letting me get half a mile away and having to drive all the way back because of her fuck~up. I also gave her the nasty regular coke to replace. She thrusted the new drink back at me (probably after spitting in it) and didn't even say, "Sorry about that."

I was so hungry, I ate the tacos in the car on the way home.

>:o/ BAD LINDY! >:o/

If Kevin knew I ate that crap in my brand new car, he'd shoot me.

What else did I do yesterday? Hmmm... I put gas in the Envoy. What a treat only spending $28.00 to fill a car as opposed to the $51.00 I spent to fill my dad's car while I was in California. $2.35 a gallon for gas is preposterous.

We had quite a scare over the weekend. The kids were playing in their playroom and Kevin and I were eating lunch in the family room. All of a sudden, Jameson came running into the room screaming. He said that the baby was throwing his toys out the window.


We went flying into the room to find Griffin hanging over the edge of the open window!!! I had opened the window just a few inches to let some air in. I never open it any wider than that, in case one of the kids pushes the screen through. Our screens fall through far too easily. (Our house is such a piece of shit.) I never dreamed that any of the kids could push the window open wider themselves. It's hard enough for me to do. Evan had opened the window and Jameson had pushed the screen through. Griffin was toppling over the edge as we entered the room. Did I mention that the kids' room is on the second story with a concrete patio below? We have a single story house, but the lot is a walk~out one, so the windows at the back of the house are two stories up. Does that make sense? I've never been so scared in my life. I had nightmares all weekend of him going out that window and splatting his little head on the pavement below.


So, kiddies... keep those windows shut and locked! Just a tip!

Okay, usually I save commentary like this for my other diary, but I just have to say... didn't Clay look amazing last night?


Man, do I loves me some Clay! When they got to choose their favorite song from any of their performances, I was hoping for something other than, "Somewhere Out There". It wasn't one of my favorites, but he did it so well I couldn't help but enjoy it immensely. Ahhh... and did you see those green eyes of his? I know, I know... I'm acting like a 14 year old again.

Well, I'm off to call Stacey to see if she liked the birthday present her fianc.. Oops! I mean, her boyfriend got her. Hehehe... Hopefully she'll update about this soon!

Have a good day!

7:48 a.m. - 2003-04-22


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