ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Review THIS... (displays middle finger)

I received a quite nasty review today. Usually, I despise reviews and refuse to take part in them. But I saw this and thought it was interesting. I received a really shitty score, not surprisingly. Funny, how this was decided...

Many complaints were given to my layout. In my defense, I didn't design it, nor have I altered it much from its original design. I credit Jen for designing it and designing it well. I don't give a rat's hairy fat white ass if the links at the bottom are a different font than the ones at the top, not do I care if the tag board irritates the living fucking hell out of the reviewer. I will concede on one point. I do have the bottom links displayed rather sloppily and have yet to neaten them up. Sue me.

She claims I don't write about anything other than what I do all day and that I don't insert any emotion. Hmmmmm... obviously said reviewer didn't read back to many, if any, past entries. I am so loaded with emotion and passion, it's utterly fascinating.

She says I write virutally everyday, but with some large gaps. Did reviewer notice the entry prior to the big gap, entitled,


Am I correct in assuming reviewers don't take vacation? I think this reviewer needs one! (As well as a Prozac!)

Well, being reviewed was fun. Then again, so is childbirth, root canals and being audited by the IRS!


5:21 p.m. - 2003-04-22


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