ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Bon Voyage to Me!

This will be my last entry for the next nine days. I leave first thing tomorrow morning and I have tons to do today to get ready.

The kids had a good day back at school yesterday. They were happy to get back. Griffin was happy to have Mom and the house all to himself for a few hours. But no one was happier than me. It's sad to say, but if I didn't get some peace and quiet soon, I would have surely lost it.

While they were in school and Griffin was napping, I cleaned out the kids' playroom. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to actually clean things or do the touch~up painting I had hoped to do, but I managed to fill a garbage bag with shit. So far, the kids haven't even missed what's gone. They have so much shit, it's unbelievable.

I got my hair cut last night. Elizabeth wasn't working, so I just went to a walk~in place and took who I got. The girl I got was kinda loud~mouthed and obnoxious (likeme) but she did a good job on my hair. I had taken Evan with me to get his hair cut, too. We had to wait a long time for a stylist to become available and he was afraid to ask one of the employees if he could use their restroom, so while I was getting my hair cut...

... he peed his pants.

The stylist told me she couldn't let him sit down on their chairs with his pants wet, and I don't blame them. So we left without Evan's hair being cut. For my trouble, she gave me two free punches on my "buy six cuts, get the seventh free" card. When is my seven year old going to be potty trained?

I walked Stephanie through the house last night and showed her around. I'm sure the kids will be fine while we're gone. I know I'm leaving them in good hands.

I was awakened this morning at 4:30 am to the sound of Evan and Jameson roaming the hallway. I got up and saw them walking down the hall hand in hand. I about fell over. Evan never wants anything to do with Jameson, physically or affectionately. They were coming to get me. I went into their room and saw that they had turned Evan's bed apart. All the sheets were off and the mattress was taken off. Turns out Evan lost a tooth and it fell under his mattress into the wild kingdom. The underside of his Little Tikes race car bed is open, so that's where we keep the hundreds of stuffed animals the kids have. (No, I didn't throw any of them out during my cleaning rage!) He was terrified the tooth fairy wouldn't come. I told Evan I would search for the tooth tomorrow (well... today) but that he had to go back to sleep. Then while I was making the bed again for them, Evan started farting like crazy. Jameson found this hilarious and the two of them fell over in fits of laughter.


Why do little boys find farting so hilarious? To my many readers who have all girls: be thankful.

Actually, I thought it was cute that they were looking for the tooth together and while I could have surely done without the farting, the laughter was nice. I love the sound of my kids laughing more than any other sound. I'm really going to miss those beautiful farting little boys.

Well, I must begin all the work that awaits me. I will miss you all and will be seeing some of you! I will return to the computer Monday the 14th. I won't be near a computer for nine days and after my ebay adventure from last weekend, I'm perfectly happy to be away from technology for awhile.

Stacey will be updating our diary from time to time while I'm gone. So that will have to tide you over until my safe return.

Thanks for reading, everyone and I'll see you in a little over a week!

Hugs and kisses,

Linda, who will "beach alot" this next week!

5:45 a.m. - 2003-04-04


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