ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


An update from my pad!

I'm typing my first entry from my new apartment! I moved the computer here yesterday and what a bitch it was. I attempted to scoot my ready-to-fall-to-pieces particle board computer desk across the carpet of the living room floor and the desk did just that... fell to pieces. Oh well, that made it easier to load up into the car. I got all the pieces in, hammered it together in a half ass manner and here I sit. This desk will not be accompanying me to the new house.

Matt, Stephanie and Kevin took the boys swimming, so I thought I'd take advantge of my solitude by moving some more crap over here to the 890 square foot box I'll call home for the next few months. I was here checking my email (all 126 messages!!!) and thought I'd type an entry. The reason I had so many emails is because of some stupid fuck who thought it would be cute to flood my fotolog guestbook with entries. I got notified on every one of them - all 100. I'd like to put a boot in the ass of whoever did that.

Good news!! They broke ground today!! I saw my beautiful soil being broken. I'm going to go over tomorrow and take pictures. I want a scrapbook devoted to thes entire building process.

Well, work awaits. I'd like to unload all this stuff before the sun sets. I hope none of you are affected by the mass outage in the east!!

7:16 p.m. - 2003-08-14


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