ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Weekend Update

This is going to be a quick and boring entry.

We had our garage sale Saturday. The forecast was for rain, and when that alarm went off at 5:00am, I was honestly hoping it would rain. But it held off until the evening and we were able to get the sale in before the clouds came. We had a pretty good turn out, despite the chintzy ad placed by the HOA. I wanted to place my own ad, but forgot to do so before the deadline.

I was feeling very charitable and gave alot of stuff away. I also discounted just about everything. The only offer I didn't accept was a ridiculous, insulting offer of $15 for my double stroller, for which I was asking $50. I told the fool lady that I would accept $35, but would go no lower. She walked. Buh-bye!

What was left, I ended up selling to Once Upon a Child. I got exactly $35 for the stroller.

The rest of the shit got bagged up and dumped off at Goodwill. I have just a few small things that I'll try to sell on ebay. I'm so relieved to have gotten rid of so much. Including the Once Upon a Child money, we ended up making just over $200, enough for me to buy some groceries and craft supplies.

We get our keys to the apartment on Friday, when I'll start moving in a few small things. Friday night is our Wiggles concert. The kids have been fighting colds, so I hope they're all feeling better by then and that they don't pass that shit onto me.

The rest of the weekend went relatively the same way all weekends do - the kids were outrageously behaved and Kevin was an asshole. We fought non-stop and I was relieved to see Monday arrive. Same as always.

Lucky Marie is seeing Clay AGAIN tonight!! I'm so jealous! I have to wait thirteen more days!

More another time - gotta do some more packing!

9:32 a.m. - 2003-08-04


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