ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


I need more time!

There just aren't enough hours in the day for all I need to get done. The only reason I'm sitting here at the computer is because I'm resting my sore foot. I have got to get to the doctor about this. I know I have bone spurs on my right heel, and I suspect I might on my left, as well. When we get settled in the apartment, I have to see about having surgery. The pain is excrutiating. I can barely walk and it even hurts when I'm lying down.

Today, I have to go to the post office, get a change of address kit and mail a few things. Usually, Kevin goes to the post office for me because I hate hauling all the kids in with me and having them tear the place apart. Kevin has training all week so I get the pleasure of going. I plan to go while Evan and Jameson are in school, so all I have to worry about is Griffin.

I told a girl I met on ebay that I would make a bear jacket for her to look like this one. She has plenty of bears so she wants the jacket only. The one I'm making for her looks alot better than the first one.

Tonight when Kevin gets home, we have to go vote. Since I'm only going to live here for another week or so, I plan to vote in a bunch of tax increases for my neighbors as payback for all the years of abuse.

I called most of the utilities yesterday and arranged for shut-off here on the 20th and turn-on at the apartment on the 8th. The only one I've yet to get ahold of is my current phone company. It was kind of funny... they're based in Louisiana so the guy who recorded their voice mail menu had the cutest accent. He said...

"We hair at CinchryTel strahve to provahd excellent cus'mer service... "

It was so funny. Every sentence ended upwards, like he was asking a question.

"We estimate your wait tahm at four minutes? Thanks for yer bid'ness?"

I was rolling. I ended up getting disconnected and didn't have time to call back. It's gonna be a pain in the ass... we're going from CenturyTel to SBC in the apartment, then going back to CenturyTel in the new house. *Sigh*

Here I was thinking I was making great progress packing when I realized I still have the entire basement to do. We have thousands of videos, files and miscellaneous shit down there.

We're having a POD delivered on the 15th and they're picking it up on the 19th. We should be officially moved out of here by then. I can't wait to get settled, even if it is in a dinky apartment. I hate feeling disconnected from any one place.

Well, I've rested enough, I have to get my hair dried so I can run all these damned errands.

See ya!

11:12 a.m. - 2003-08-05


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