ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Anita Vacation

I've decided I need a California trip this year after all. I just can't take anymore stress.

As most of you know (but I'll recap for my newer readers... ) I am a stay-at-home mom to three young boys, two of whom have behavioral disorders. The remaining child is two. Need I say more?

Because of the demands on my time, my services and my person, twice a year, I go to California. Alone. All by myself. It's a well-deserved Mommy-Gets-Away-From-It-All break.

We own a time share condo right on the beach in Oxnard. Oxnard is just south of Santa Barbara and just north of Los Angeles. It's my favorite place in the world and the only place I feel truly at peace. Usually, my mom comes up and stays the week with me. We spend the time shopping, eating, walking on the beach, hanging around and doing absolutely nothing!! I visit with my friends and spend time being me, something I'm not able to do much of at home.

I've been given lots of grief for this bi-yearly ritual of mine. "Friends" of mine have told me I'm awful for abandoning my husband and kids to go off and relax, while they have to stay home. I've been frowned upon by Kevin's friends who think badly of me for "saddling" Kevin with his own offspring, so that I can have a private vacation. I don't even care anymore what anyone thinks. For years, Kevin took off racing, leaving me home to care for kids alone, keep house alone and celebrate holidays and special events alone. I'm not trying to even the score... this is simply me taking my turn at spending time in my favorite way. Life is too short. Instead of trying to add years to my life, I want to add life to my years.

I love my kids immensely and enjoy spending time with them, but I need a break from them and them from me. They love having their Daddy to themselves for a week and frankly, Kevin loves being able to stay home and be both Mom and Dad while I'm gone. Of all the things I could say (and have said) about Kevin, I am ever so grateful and lucky that he's willing and able to allow me to do this.

Because of building the house, I fully intended upon skipping my fall trip this year. But after I pondered the decision a bit, I thought... this is when I need the trip most. The stress is building, as is all the work I've done and still need to do. I told Kevin that if we can swing it... if it's at all possible... I really need my trip this year. He gets a third paycheck in the month of October, and I can't think of a better gift for my 37th fucking birthday (Sorry! A little bitterness there about turning 30 fucking 7!) than to hear the sounds of the mighty Pacific as I drift off to sleep every night.

It might not happen, but I'm going to do all I can to make it happen. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

10:27 a.m. - 2003-08-07


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