ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Men at Work!

I have new couches! They're gorgeous! I'll post a picture of them as soon as I get around to uploading them. I'm sure glad we bought the warranty, because there's already a cut across the top of one of the cushions. I have no idea how it happened. Most likely, one of the kids sliced it with a toy. I'm trying to watch them like a hawk and lot allow them to take toys on the couch or stand on it. I'd like to have something last more than 24 hours around here.

Right after the couches were delivered, our lumber was delivered for the deck and fence. The doofas who delivered it dumped it right down on the utility companies markings, so the construction people had to move the entire pallett of wood before they started working today. What an idiot.

They dug the holes for the fence and got the four corner posts inserted in concrete. They also have the support plank of the deck up. I can't wait to have a deck! The construction crew were some of the cutest and most polite guys I've ever seen.

I smell dinner burning, so I better go check on it. Yak at y'all later.

5:33 p.m. - 2002-12-11


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