ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


My Padded Room

I'm starting to feel the walls closing in. It happens every year around this time. I should be used to it by now.

The kids are driving me crazy. I'm not sure what it is... maybe the cold weather that prohibits them from going out to play, maybe the excitememnt of Christmas upcoming. Whatever it is, they've got me climbing the walls.

I love my kids. You know that. I feel I have to say it though, because I feel guilty complaining about them when I know how lucky I am to have them. But nonetheless...

Griffin has been sick. He's got a cough and is stuffy. All he wants is to be held. All the time! My back can't handle 25 pounds of baby hanging on me. When I do set him down, he clings to me and hovers around my feet, trying his damndest to knock me over. I wish he could tell me what it is he's trying to accomplish by doing that. He's always under my feet, undoing what I do. If I open the dryer door to take laundry out, he's right there trying to slam my hand in the door. When I open the fridge door, Griffin shuts it. If I make a bed, he follows right behind me, unmaking it. I have to do everything twice all day long and it's driving me crazy. Once in awhile, I wouldn't mind, but it's all the time! Everything I do! And the whining is taking its toll on my nerves. I love him to death, but I really need a break.

Jameson lives for picking fights with me. You name it, he'll fight about it. He and I went a good half hour this morning on whether or not there was a newspaper today. Finally, I sent him outside in 15 degree weather to find the non-existant paper. Even with proof of my "no paper today" theory, he still argued with me. I guess I should have taken yesterday's paper, rolled it back up and thrown it out to the driveway for him to fetch. Anything to shut the kid up. Yesterday was the same. All day long, he whined and argued with me about everything under the sun. I think he gets off on it. I'd give everything I own to have 24 hours where my kids do as they're asked and don't fight with me.

Evan has been pretty good... for him. But he still has his moments of being argumentative and combative. He threw a fit last night (though really not too bad of one) when he lost his dessert for telling me, "I'm not eating this crap!" when presented with dinner. He hasn't been bad, but could be better.

Kevin has been busy doing Santa jobs and of course, I can't complain about that at all. But it does keep him away from home and leaves me to do the work of two parents.

I need a vacation.

That ripped couch pisses me off to no end. Why can't I have anything nice? If it had happened a year from now, it would be bad enough, but one day? That can only happen to me.

Kevin's ex and his outlaws (former in-laws) are heading out from California a week from tomorrow. They'll likely hit some bad weather. Originally, Debbie was going to fly, now she's decided to drive with her parents. Whatever. Those people change their minds about shit more often than I do.

Well, my cute workers are here, so I have to go stare out the window at them.


Oh, and Happy Birthday, Aunt Kaye!

8:20 a.m. - 2002-12-12


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