ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


My New Stuff!

I'm letting days go by between entries again - sorry! In addition to being bogged down with holiday related activities, Griffin has been so clingy. If he's not in my arms preventing me from typing, then he's hovering at my arm, pushing my hand off the mouse when I try to use the computer. Everytime I go to step down, there's Griffin under my feet. I can't wait until he's feeling better. Right now, he's glued to a book, sucking down orange juice, so I'm taking advantage of having my hands free.

You should see my living room... it's bare. We've moved our crappy couch and loveseat to the garage where it awaits someone to take it away, and today sometime, my new furniture is being delivered! Yay! We went Saturday to pick it out. We had gone last weekend to the Weekends Only outlet in St. Ann and found that cranberry and hunter green set we liked. Although I did like it, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was settling for it because it was the best they had available at the time. This time, we went to the Weekends Only in St. Charles and found a set I liked even better. It's blue and off white, with accents of maroon and a little bit of hunter green. This is soooo much more "me"! And I won't have to change my window treatments! I'll post some pictures of the room when I get it all delivered. I'm scared to death to let anyone near it, especially my damn kids who, I'm sure, will want to break it in by jumping all over it. We bought the extended service plan, which covers both pieces for seven years against just about any damage that can happen. I hope we don't need it, but knowing my crew, I'm sure we will.

Supposedly, they're going to start building my deck and fence today! The hold up was with the county and getting permits approved. There's so much building in the area, that it takes forever to get permits out here. I can't wait to finally have a useful backyard.

Saturday, we went and did some Christmas shopping for the kids. We made the mistake of going to Toys 'R' Us. UGH! They've remodeled our TRU and I hate it. They closed the Kids 'R' Us and moved it into the TRU. They also moved Imaginarium there, making the store more cramped than I could ever imagine it. Instead of aisles, they now have these "pods" formed by walls crossing each other. If you get stuck in one and other people are at the ends of the "aisles", you're fucked until someone moves, unlike real aisles where you can at least pass someone in your way. It's hard to describe, but trust me, it sucks. Kevin and I were going insane trying to make our way through the place and ended up leaving without finishing our shopping. We did buy a few things, including bikes for Evan and Jameson. I need to go back out and buy a few more little things and shop for Griffin. I haven't gotten him anything yet.

Kevin has been busy with Santa jobs. He's had at least five or six so far and is completely booked up from now until Christmas Day. I miss having him around, but the money is SO good. With all this home improvement and Christmas shopping... we need it.

Matt's mom had her biopsy last week. They found that the lesions on her liver were non-cancerous. She's still cancer free, thank goodness. I'm indifferent about her, but I did worry about Matt and Autumn and how any bad news would affect them. After she got her good news, though, she got some bad. She was fired. She claims they let her go because she was taking too much time off "for her health". I doubt that's the reason. If so, she'd own that place. It's more likely she was let go because she's a loud mouth fuck up. But with not having a job to return to, she's free to stay here in town on her Christmas visit...


Stephanie is beside herself. Debbie had decided to stay with them, instead of with us, so now Steph and Matt will have an apartment full of people for weeks! *Snicker* Hehehe... *ahem*

~* Writer composes herself, while being grateful no one is staying at her house *~

Should be interesting...

Well, Griffin is back over her pushing my arm again, so I better log off. See ya!

6:20 a.m. - 2002-12-10


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