ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Trying desperately to post this entry!

Greetings from the most dangerous city! Well, at least a suburb of it.

I've tried unsuccessfully for two days now to update. The first big entry I typed was lost when AOL pulled the plug on me. The one from this morning was lost when Griffin pulled the phone cord out from the back of the computer. Thankfully, after Friday, there won't be a phone cord coming out of the back of the computer.

Kevin and I are feeling much better, but now Jameson and Griffin have come down with colds. Hopefully this explains why Jameson has been so rotten lately. Griffin wants to be held non-stop when he's sick, so my back will pay the price, holding 25 pounds worth of baby for the next few days. They're both stuffy, fussy and have that same nasty cough I had/have.

You know that kid in every store, throwing a fit down every aisle, screaming at his mother to buy him everything he sees, talking back to her when he's told no, crying, kicking and backtalking throughout the entire store, embarrassing his poor frazzled mother? That would be Jameson. I see you've heard of him. It's getting to the point where I can't take him shopping with me anywhere. He threw such a big fit at Target the other day, I wanted to walk away from him and pretend I didn't know who he was. Too bad he looks so much like me, I wouldn't get far.

He never stopped throwing fits about anything and everything the whole shopping trip. The best part came at the checkout. I found a book for Evan I had been looking for. I hid it under some other things I was purchasing at the checkout, so Jameson wouldn't see it. I made it a point of discretely showing the cashier that I was trying to hide it from Jameson. Like an idiot, she picked it up, scanned it, then said to him, "Is this yours? Would you like to hold it?" Then she gave him the book!! I told her I preferred he not have it because A) it wasn't for him, B) I didn't want him to tear it up, and C) I didn't want him to spoil the surprise for his brother. She gave it to him anyway. How could anyone be so incredibly stupid? Didn't it occur to her that this time of year, people might be buying gifts for their children? I've had a run-in with this cashier in the past. I ought to report her.

Jameson wasn't much better behaved yesterday at the grocery store. I went to Schnucks, which I hardly ever do. The only reason I did is because they carry a flavor of Zatarains rice mix that Dierberg's doesn't have. I buy them for my mom because she can't find them in California. I bought ten of them to put in her Christmas box I'm sending (since they won't be coming for the holidays... long story). I'm glad I shopped there when I did, because I ran into Denise! I hadn't seen her in months and I had never seen Nicholas. He is sooo cute! He looks just like Alec. We agreed we had to get together soon, especially since she's home full time now since Nicholas was born. At the checkout, Jameson resumed the fit-throwing because I wouldn't let him steal an entire roll of stickers where the groceries were being bagged. The old guy bagging our stuff shot him a look and Jameson said, "Don't look at me, old man!"

Thankfully, I don't shop there often.

I went to Evan's holiday party at school yesterday. They had some cool activities planned, but Evan chose not to participate in many of them. The kids really seem to like him, but he stays well removed from most everyone for some reason. I think he was tired. He was acting the same way at home, too. I found out that a receptionist that works in the office of his school is ill. She's hospitalized and her condition is considered "grave". Grave! Evan and I are both upset by this. She was always kind enough to walk Evan out to the van last year when he went half days, so I wouldn't have to take J and G in with me. Even in the worst of weather, she was always willing to do this for me. I wonder what illness she has? I told Evan she was very, very sick and he figured out on his own that she will probably die soon. *Sigh*

Evan's special ed teacher is going through a rough time now, too. Her husband is in the Navy and was shipped out this morning for a year to the middle east. Right before Christmas, too. I'm so sad for her.

Okay, I promised a vent about ebay feedback and you've been on pins and needles waiting, right? Hmph... well humor me anyway. I've conducted 345 transactions on ebay and half.com. I've left feedback on 344 of them (One woman pissed me off - I didn't want to leave negative, but neutral didn't seem harsh enough, so I left nothing). In return, I've received 268 messages of feedback (268 positive - one stupid retaliatory neutral). That leaves 76 transactions for which feedback wasn't left! 76!! I'm not in it for the feedback (I'm in it for the money!), but it's like busting your ass at a job, then not being able to list your employer as a reference. It really pisses me off. And I espeically love the people who reserve leaving feedback until you've left feedback for them. That way they can leave retaliatory feedback even when you're upheld your end of the transaction. Grrr...

Well, I better get this posted before I lose entry number three. I bid you farewell.

For now...

10:00 a.m. - 2002-12-07


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