ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Mommy Needs a Sick Day

I hate trying to come back after an absense and try to catch up on things! That's why I write every day even if nothing much is going on, just so I can stay on top of writing. Otherwise, it becomes a chore.

Thursday was Jameson's Valentine's party at school. He looked so cute doing art projects and passing out Valentines to his classmates. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw a lady I had known since Kindergarten. I recognized her right off, but it took a minute or two for her to place me. She knew she recognized me, but wasn't certain from where. She has a son in Jameson's class.

Friday was Evan's birthday and Valentine's party. I took the kids up to school and was shocked to find that they weren't offering child care in the library like they had for all the previous parties. WTF? Why offer it sometimes, but not others? Kevin was going to try to make it to the party, but the highway was closed due to a hazmat spill, so he got there late. I came across Evan's special ed teacher in the hallway and told her I was only going to be able to pop in, say hello to Evan, then leave, since I had both the kids with me. She offered to watch them for me in her room!! That was so nice. Griffin wasn't wild about the idea, of course, but Jameson had a blast. I went to Evan's classroom and saw that several younger siblings were there. I was happy to see this, because we caught holy fucking hell for bringing the boys with us to Jameson's party the day before. J's teacher was less than friendly about it and embarrassed and humiliated us in front of a class full of parents. The crotchety old bitch.

Back at Evan's party... after awhile, Mrs. H brought Griffin to me, because he was missing his Mommy. It was funny... teachers and parents kept walking by, saying, "Look at that baby! That has to be Evan's brother! They look just alike!" SO many people commented about it. They really do look enough alike to be twins. Twins born five and a half years apart!

When Evan got home, we let him open his presents. Let me tell ya... shopping for a seven year old boy is a bitch. I can remember when buying him a toy vacuum or anything with Elmo on it would please him to no end. Now everything he wants is violent, inappropriate and expensive. I chose a couple of things and let that be all. I wanted to find a Care Bear for him, but Target and Toys 'R' Us both had a crappy selection the night I shopped. He was pleased with what he got. Kevin took him out and bought him a Dairy Queen ice cream cake for when Matt and Steph came over later that night. I made Evan's favorite dinner, lasagna. M and S got him some Star Wars books and some Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.

Saturday, Evan had a dentist appointment. Yay! No cavities! The dentist also said the symmetry in which his permanent teeth are coming is perfect and he likely won't need braces. Thank you Orthodontic Gods!!

Later that day, Kevin and Evan went to go pick up my new car!! I'll tell all about in another entry. I have to run in a second and don't want to start writing about it then not be able to finish!

Saturday night I started feeling sick. I just knew I'd catch this cold that the kids had/have. I guess with two kids in school now, we'll all be getting sick twice as often. I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. I took some cold medicine, which I hate doing. It always makes me loopy and this was time was no exception. I went to go lie down and slept for six hours! Six hours!! I had the wierdest dreams I'd ever had and was disoriented when I woke up. I couldn't figure out who all these children were, running around my house. I still feel like shit. My throat hurts so bad, I can barely swallow. I wish I could call in sick. Naturally, the kids are out of school, so rest is out of the question today.

Well, I have to make some calls, so I better run. I'll post details and pictures of the car in my next highly anticipated entry.

8:44 a.m. - 2003-02-17


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