ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


A Juicy Survey

I was just sent a survey, so I think I'll post it here in lieu of a real entry. Evan is home sick again and I just don't feel like being creative. Thanks, Stacey for the survey!

Can you sew? ~~~~ A little

Can you knit? ~~~~ No

Can you crochet? ~~~~ No

Can you swim? ~~~~ Yes

Can you roller skate? ~~~~ Yes, although it's been 20 years since I tried

Can you ice skate? ~~~~ No

Can you type? ~~~~ HA! Barely...

Can you play any musical instruments? ~~~~ Drums, guitar and some piano

Have you ever been arrested? ~~~~ No

Have you ever made a prank phone call? ~~~~ Yes

Have you ever called a guy just to hear his voice, then hung up when he answered? ~~~~ Yes

Have you ever smoked a cigarette? ~~~~ No

Have you ever smoked pot? ~~~~ No

Have you ever smoked a cigar? ~~~~ No

Have you ever smoked a pipe? ~~~~ No

Have you ever stolen anything? ~~~~ No

Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/husband? ~~~~ Boyfriend, yes

Have you ever been in a fist fight? ~~~~ Yes

Have you ever lied to get out of doing something? ~~~~ Sure

Have you ever called in sick to work when you weren't really sick? ~~~~ Yes

Did you ever ditch school? ~~~~ Yes, almost all of 12th grade

Do you cheat on your income taxes? ~~~~ We let our accountant do our taxes, but I'm sure there's some fudging going on, yes

Have you ever intentionally damamged someone's property? ~~~~ Yes

Have you ever given someone a fake phone number? ~~~~ Yes

Has your home ever been burglarized? ~~~~ No

Has there ever been a fire at your home? ~~~~ Two small ones at our house in California. We put them both out with minimal damage

Have you ever had a car stolen? ~~~~ Not mine personally, but my parents had two cars stolen in two week's time when I was five

Have you ever had your wallet or purse stolen? ~~~~ Not yet

Have you ever lied on a job application? ~~~~ Sure

Have you ever had a lie detector test? ~~~~ No

Have you ever been in a car accident? ~~~~ Two, one in May '90 when my car slipped out of gear and rolled over me and one of May '01 when I was broadsided

Have you ever thrown anything at your boyfriend/husband? ~~~~ I don't think I have

Have you ever cheated on a test? ~~~~ Yes

9:39 a.m. - 2003-02-18


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