ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Stuff 'n' stuff

Did I ever show you my webpage? Click here. Let me know what you think!

My car is on order! It turns out that the one in Indianapolis we originally planned to have sent in, was being used as a shuttle vehicle for the dealership where it was located. It had 4,000 miles on it. Kevin told them that was fine, but we wanted a substantial discount for the high mileage. They told us no. I mean, anyway you figure it, it's now a used vehicle. Shit, I won't put 4,000 miles on it in a year! So they found another one for us in the color we want, with all the options we ordered and then some. This one is in Chicago. It has a V8, where the first one only had a V6. It has a couple of other upgrades that I couldn't begin to explain. It was about $3,000 more, too, but I think it'll be worth it. They came up on the amount they were offering us for the van as trade-in, so now we don't have to worry about trying to sell it. I'm going to miss my van! *Sniff* The Envoy should be here Saturday sometime.

Kevin and I have been talking about a Disney trip in April of 2004. We specifically ordered the DVD/VCR entertainment package on the Envoy so we can take this trip. Well, it turns out... we weren't even talking about the same place. Kevin said something about it last night and mentioned the word "Florida". I said, "You mean, California... " He said, "No, we've done Disneyland, I want to take the kids to Disneyworld!"

That makes sense...

Let's go to a place where we don't have a free place to stay, where we don't have friends or relatives and where we don't know the area. I've never been to Florida, nor do I have any desire to go. Disneyland is just a few miles from my parents house. We can stay at the condo free. We can drive right to Disneyland without a map... yeah, *snort* let's go to Florida instead. ~^Sarcasm^~

Although... I have a friend in Florida (somewhere - I'm not familiar with how close she may or may not be to WDW) and she has cancer. But I'd like to go see her alone, not as a family vacation.

Oh well, we'll see.

I've been using that Simply White tooth paint stuff for a couple of days. My teeth are victims of all the coffee and diet coke I drink all day. This stuff isn't too bad with a couple of exceptions. You have to dry the surface of the teeth after brushing them. My teeth are very sensitive to air, so this is a painful process. I cringe when the air hits them. Then you have to keep your lips from touching your teeth until the application dries. (Of course, then is when the phone rings! It's hard to talk when you can't close your mouth over your teeth). Once you're allowed to once again close your mouth, you have this cum-like substance in your mouth for a few minutes. I hope it's all worth it in the end.

So Clay wasn't voted through last night. What a tragedy. I'm sure people voted Kimberely through because of her snotty "you suck" comments to Simon. Shit like that really turns me off, my being a huge Simon fan. I would think these people would realize that Simon is the reason this show and this opportunity exists. Maybe Clay will be the wild card pick. Who cares what he looks like (although I agree that his geekiness is adorable), I'd love to have him sing to me all day long. I'm afraid I'm just not enjoying the show as much as I did last year. Did you see where they eliminated Frenchie? Evidently she once posed topless on a website. Tsk tsk tsk... bad move, sweetie. This is a family show and all.

I still have to go out and buy birthday presents for Evan. I think I'll go out tonight and shop alone. We have such a busy couple of days planned, I can't think when else I could go. I hope Evan's well enough to go to school today. Today we have Jameson's very first school party and Kevin and I would both like to go. Then tomorrow, we have Evan's Valentine's day party, his birthday and we turn in the van. Monday, Evan's out of school, Tuesday I have a doctor's appointment and hopefully that same afternoon I can take cupcakes to school for Evan's birthday. I don't want to take treats tomorrow, because I don't want his birthday overshadowed by Valentine's day. Plus, the kids will be getting enought treats that day, I think!

Evan made us a Valentine is school the other day. It was so cute. It said, "My birthday is on Valentine's day. Love, Evan'

LOL! Such poetry! I can't believe my baby will be seven tomorrow! Seven years ago today was my last full day as a childless person.

If I had anything else to say, I've totally forgotten what it was, so... see ya next time.

5:48 a.m. - 2003-02-13


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