ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


I need a nanny

I'm considering hiring someone to come in in the afternoons and helping me with the kids. It seems like from 4pm ~ 6pm, all hell breaks loose around here. The kids are restless, hungry, tired if they've had naps, overstimulated if they haven't, and just all-around bratty. This is why I usually fail to prepare a healthy meal for dinner, because A) there are at least two of the three kids hanging on my leg, whining, which makes food preparation difficult and B) I'm too scatterbrained to plan a meal in advance. Oh, maybe once a month or so, I'll actually have the presense of mind to have something thawed and ready to throw in the Crock Pot, but more times than not, 5:00pm rolls around and I find myself saying, "Oh shit. What on earth am I going to make for dinner?" This is when I panic. I either order something in, which costs a fortune, or make something stupid, like peanut butter and jelly. If I had some assistance, I could spend the time to make a little more healthy a meal. For Kevin's diet's sake, I need to start cooking more healthy. Of course, we all need to start eating better.

So anyway, I'm kicking around this idea of hiring someone for a couple of hours a day, maybe a couple to three days a week. I was thinking about my friend Amy's daughter. She's 14 and more responsible than most adults I know. If she could keep the kids entertained, greet them from their busses and maybe help with some light housekeeping, it might help to lighten my load some. I have a hard time deligating, so I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a "boss" again. I don't know... I'm just kicking the idea around.

I have a favorite on American Idol. Joshua. Okay, so he's married and has a child, but he's spectacular. I thought all of last night's performers were lame, but Joshua was awesome! He gave me chills. I disagreed with the judges big time on the last contestant, Corey. They stood up and applauded for him. I thought he was terrible. He was flat and weak. I don't profess to be as good a judge of talent as Simon, Randy and Paula, but I know what I heard. It was horrible. Steve Perry is a hard artist to do and he simply didn't do it justice. There was another smart-ass, talentless bitch who got in Simon's face. Why do people do that? Don't they realize how cheesy that makes them look? This girl was perfectly awful, and was confrontational when told how badly she had performed. Take your criticism and get the fuck off the stage. Personally, I would disqualify anyone who stood there and got in my face. This is Simon's show, after all. Bad mouthing him is a pretty stupid thing to do. I predict Joshua and Corey will get voted through tonight. Joshua for his talent (and looks!) and Corey because people can't think for themselves and usually vote the way the judges react.

Kevin got his review at work. Woo-hoo! He got the highest raise in the company. I can't wait to see how much it actually brings to his next paycheck. It'll probably bump him up to the next tax bracket and he'll end up taking home less. He's had that happen.

I got a call yesterday from Jameson's bus company. They've had yet another bus schedule change! He's now getting on the bus at 11:38am and getting off the bus at 4:19pm. He's spending as much damn time on the bus as he is at school! He's on the bus in the morning more than an hour before school starts. Good thing he likes riding the bus.

My coffee's gotten cold, so I must do a warm-up. Later!

6:37 a.m. - 2003-02-26


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