ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Cast of characters

(I needed to do a cast page for this diary. Real entry tomorrow!)


LINDA ~ Me. The Mommy. The writer of the mindless drivel you read here everyday.

KEVIN ~ My husband of over 18 years. Okay, so we've only been married for 13. We've been together for 18.

EVAN ~ My seven year old son. Diagnosed four years ago with a battery of mental illnesses, behavioral and conduct disorders, he has kept us on a roller coaster ride. He is funny, sweet, loving and the smartest person I know.

JAMESON ~ My four and a half year old son. Giving Evan a run for the title of "smartest person I know", Jameson has a fascination for numbers and letters. He keeps me on my toes, but I enjoy his company immensely. He's the most gentle and compassionate little boy.

GRIFFIN ~ My two year old son and last baby. He is in fact, (just ask anyone) the most beautiful baby on earth. Sorry ~ a little "mother's pride" showing there. He is the most special little boy and the absolute light of my life, the apple of my eye! His smile and laughter light up any room.

MATTHEW ~ My 20 year old step son. I've known him since he was not quite two. He turned out pretty well, if I say so myself.

STEPHANIE ~ Matt's fiance. I sure have a hard time writing that word. An all around nice girl, but you may read a complaint or two from me on occasion.

DEENA ~ Or sometimes "Dj" depending on her mood! I've known her since I was 16 and she was 13. We've been the best of friends ever since. We've seen each other through boyfriends, husbands, deaths and our endless pranks on one another! Dj has three goregous kids (Delaney, Reed and Hayden) and a wonderful husband, Jerry. I miss seeing her everday!

HEATHER ~ A girl I met in 1988 through Deena. A former model, Heather is a beautiful person, inside and out! She has been married to Rick for thirteen years and they have two sets of twins ~ Colin and Cody (age 11) and Jordan and Jenna (age 6). They're the most beautiful kids you'll ever see! I like the fact that Heather is one of the few people in my life older than me! Hehehe...

STACEY ~ A girl I met online on an American Idol message board last fall! She's the sweetest person I know and I'm so glad we became close. She's the easiest person in the world to talk to! She's going to become a phsychiatrist and cure all that ails my childen. I just love her! I can't believe we've never met in person yet! I feel like I've known Stace my entire life.

BRANDEE ~ A girl I met when we were both pregnant with our almost~five year olds! She lives in Michigan and her kids are the exact same age as my older two. We've met in person several times and remain close even after all the stupid things we've said to each other! Love ya!

JESSIE ~ A sweet girl I met on a message board at Parent Soup! She has two gorgeous kids and lives in Louisiana. We talk everyday online and are becoming good friends, I think! I really enjoy getting to know her better.

LARRY ~ Whew, I don't think I have the time, the room or the words to explain what Larry means to me. We met on February 1st, 1988 and became friends immediatetly. We've been through it all together. He means the world to me and has been my shelter in the storm since the first time I met him. I am truly a better person for having him in my life and I'd be lost without him. I love you!

TREVOR and DANA ~ My adorable brother and gorgeous sister-in-law, recently married. They're 30 and live in Los Angeles. Make me an auntie, please?!.

MOM and DAD ~ They're... well, my mom and dad. They are the best ones out there. I don't know where I'd be without them. They live in Orange County, CA.

Thanks for getting to know the great people in my life!

11:14 p.m. - 2003-02-25


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