ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Happy Birthday BB

Today is my grandmother�s 82nd birthday. I feel sorry for her. She isn�t at home today. She�s in Dothan, Alabama with my uncle, her middle son. He�s dying of cancer. BB (this is what I call her - her name is Bette, pronounced Betty. When I was little I couldn�t pronounce that, so I called her BB. It stuck!) is staying there until A) the end or B) when my cousins get out of school for summer vacation, whichever comes first. My cousins are twin girls, age 13 (??) and are the biggest brats on the face of the earth. They�re both 100 pounds overweight and have diabetes. This is a result of my aunt feeding them McDonald�s three meals a day for the past decade. One of them, my grandmother suspects, is mentally retarded. I haven�t seen them in ten years, when they spent a month with us one evening. They broke the windowsill in my rented apartment and jumped on my couches like monkeys. I�m still not over it. My grandmother can only take Amelia and Elizabeth in small doses. Not even the prospect of her son dying will keep her there longer than need be. I wouldn�t want to be her for the next few months. I can�t imagine outliving any of my children.

Tonight, Kevin and I are going out to dinner sans children!! Matt and Stephanie agreed to watch the kids for us while we meet up with some friends. I suspect Steph is none to pleased about it. The last time she sat for the kids, she complained about Jameson�s behavior to me. This is something I�m really getting tired of. Yes, Jay is a handful. Yes, he�s mouthy and disobedient. He�s four. The last time she watched him, he was also sick, which adds to the disobedience. No parent likes to hear how �bad� her kids are, especially when it�s told right in front of the child. I�m really getting tired of it. I mean, I can say my kids are heathens, but I really don�t care for others telling me that.

So Kevin and I are going out with our friends, Larry and Carol. I haven�t seen them in awhile. I�m not sure where we�re going. I�m a little nervous. I don't get out much and aside from an occasional phone call, the internet is my only means of adult interaction. I don�t feel I have much to offer to any conversation. While they�re talking about work, current events, money market accounts, stocks, the pending war and political diatribe, all I can think to talk about is the variety of colors and textures offered in Griffin�s poopy diapers lately, the �what color should I paint the master bath� dilemma and �when are they finally going to make some new Elmo�s World episodes?� Maybe they�ll talk so much that I won�t be able to get a word in edgewise. Too bad I can�t drink. Maybe being drunk would give me an edge I wouldn�t otherwise have.

I�m such a domestic.

I have an outfit to wear (thanks, mom!), but no shoes to match. I have dirty white canvas smeakers and three inch tall hippie boots. I guess I�ll make trip number two in two days to Wal-Mart to find a cheapy pair of flats, which will probably make me look even more frumpy and housewifely than my contributions to the conversation will.

Remember the house we tried to buy last spring? That builder has a new development going up in the county, in our school district (the first development was out of the district). I�m trying to convince Kevin we should go take a look at it this weekend. We could get that house we liked so much, and the kids could go to their same schools. We�ve gotten our credit repaired so maybe we�ll actually be able to make this work this time.

Well, I�m off to find some shoes that make me look thin, interesting, attractive and intellectual...

for under $10.

11:58 a.m. - 2003-02-28


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