ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Uhhhhhhh... no title today

I'm tired of this username.


I just don't care for it anymore. I'm thinking about changing it. All of you who have me listed as a buddy or have me bookmarked would blow a gasket, though, wouldn't ya?

How about "usernamewhore"? LOL! Actually, I signed up for a couple of other names just to reserve them, but I'm not sure if I'll change, or to what. Or when. Or at all.

Not a whole hell of a lot going on today. Today is my "sit around on my fat lazy ass and do nada" day, although I did start (and finish) a project that took most of my morning. I reorganized all the kids' videos.

The way we had them before was a disaster. We had a cabinet in the family room where they were stacked up, one of top of the other, and everytime the kids wanted a new video, they made a mess of the cabinet. I put a childguard lock across the handles and they figured out within a week how to get in. Cases weren't with their respective videos and videos weren't with their respective cases. Cases, especially the clamshell ones, were trashed. I taped all the torn and weak cases and put the proper tape in them. Many of the tapes no longer had cases, courtesy of my destructive children. Those got new labels that I printed out on the computer. I put all the videos onto a shelf in my room, which I keep locked from the kids.

When they want to watch a video, I'll go get it for them and I'll be able to see all the titles at a glance as opposed to rifling through a messy cabinet.

It makes our room a bit crowded now, because I put the video shelf next to my scrapbooking shelf (which is now under the window), so the whole wall is loaded with furniture now. Oh well, at least the video situation is resolved.

Well, I'm out of boring things to say, so there's your Monday entry. Enjoy. Or don't, whatever.

3:40 p.m. - 2003-01-13


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