ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Yay for Mondays!

Happy Birthday to Amy's daughter, Marcia! I cannot believe she's 14!! I remember when she was a preschooler!

I'm always so glad when Monday rolls around. I feel like things go back to normal. I love sending Evan off to school. I wish I could do so every day. Now if I only had someplace to send the other two...

We had a relatively nice weekend. I felt like crap, as you saw in my last entry. I know I need to see my doctor and find out why I'm in constant pain. Kevin was such a big help over the weekend. He cleaned the whole house and did a surprisingly good job - (foraman) -and did all the cooking. I'm lucky he's so handy and so willing in domestic matters. I spent most of the day Saturday doing ebaying. I had several auctions close and I placed a couple more. This time around, I had two deadbeat bidders. I'll never understand why people bid on things and then disappear. I realize people have emergencies or find themselves without a computer from time to time, but more times than not, it's just a matter of them being deadbeats. I know I set myself up for retaliatory feedback with every negative feedback I leave, but I have to have people adhere to my policies.

I sold one lot of clothing to a girl who lives here in town! I was shocked when I saw her address. I offered to reimburse her shipping and deliver the package to her door. She thought that was cool. Talk about service!

I think I'm addicted to ebay. I am constantly going through my closets (not organizing them, mind you - just going through them!) to find things I can sell. I do the same thing at clearance racks. Fun, fun!

I've started biting my nails again. I have no idea why. Half the time, I don't even realize I'm doing it. I bit them down so far yesterday, that they hurt like hell today. I've got to stop it. They look awful.

Yesterday, we drove up the great river road in Illinois to try to spot eagles. We finally found one on our way back down. We saw a bunch of cars pulled over to the side of the road and figured they probably had spotted one. We looked up to the top of the bluff and saw a huge bald eagle! He sat there, perched, like he owned the world. He was so elegant and majestic. We saw a few more flying over the frozen river. Their wingspan is incredible. Evan got a kick out of it, but Jameson and Griffin didn't give a rat's ass and just wanted to go the hell home.

Mom and Dad are up in Oxnard this week at the condo. I'm so jealous! I sent Mom an email giving her directions to all the best places to eat and shop. She's been to them all a hundred times, but I do all the driving when we go, so she's not familiar with where anything is. It's weird having them there. I always kind of thought of the condo as all mine, LOL! Oh well, I'll be there in two months, one week and three days! I hope times passes quickly.

Evan had kind of a rough weekend. He had a rage Friday night, resulting in Jameson getting scratched pretty badly across the back. Saturday, I was the victim. He scratched my hand so badly I can barely move it. I cut his nails down to the nub and told him if he used them as weapons again, I'd paint them bright red. Let him explain that all his buddies at school. Sound cruel? Well, I'm out of ideas.

Griffin is asking me to draw on his Magna Doodle now, so I have to go. Art awaits.

Oh, here's a picture Kevin took of me over the weekend:

8:36 a.m. - 2003-01-27


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