ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


I'm fucking starving!

Day two of dieting. I got on the scale this morning... oh my. I was stunned. If I wasn't certain about losing some weight before, I am now. The only time I weighed as much was when I was pregnant. Very pregnant.

I'm keeping a diet/weight loss diary to keep track of what I eat, how I exercise and my weekly weight. I might be inclined to share it, if anyone is interested in taking a peek at it, e-mail me. I'll give you a password and the link.

I really, really, really want some chocolate.

Evan went out with his friend today. He and his mother took him to lunch then back to their house to play. I found out later that Evan rode to the restaurant without a seat belt!! I cry whenever I think about that. A ten year old girl was just killed here last weekend when she was thrown from the vehicle in which she was riding and the vehicle landed on her. It was a minor, very survivable accident, had she been properly restrained. Now she's gone, all because someone was too lazy or ignorant to buckle her in. I still use a booster seat for Evan, but when he's with other people, at the very least, I expect him to be belted with a shoulder belt. I assumed that it was understood. I guess I expected that because his friend's mother is also his teacher... that she would know better. Turns out, she never belts her own kids in either.

It makes me want to scream!!

I know I'll have nightmares about it. I'm a little disappointed with Evan, too. He knows better. He knows how militant I am about that sort of thing. He should have insisted she belt him in. I guess I'll be doing all the transporting from now on.

At any rate, Evan did have a good time at his friend's house. I was told he was very well behaved, which shocked the hell out of me, considering what a little bastard he was with me the rest of the day. Gawd, he was a brat.

Not as bad as Jameson. I took him grocery shopping and all he did was yell at me, order me to buy him things and call me names at the top of his lungs. That and pull things off the shelves and hurl groceries out of the cart. It was one of those times I found myself in the awkward position of wanting to discipline him sternly, but knowing I had a large audience of fellow shoppers. I was being given looks by people who thought I was being too lenient with him and some who, I'm sure, thought I was being too strict with him. I knew I couldn't win.

I'm proud of how I shopped, though. I bought only healthy shit and stuck to my list. I planned a healthy menu for the week and bought only what I needed.

I will never be so glad to see cycle break come to an end as I will this time. Monday can't come soon enough for me. If Evan and Jameson fight this much now, I can't imagine how I'll survive them being teenagers. Today, Jameson reported frantically, "Mom! Evan say me a crap!" To which I replied something equally as intelligent:

"Evan, don't say him a crap!"

Being a parent turns the mind to mush. That reply comes second in the running of the most ridiculous things I've ever said, second only to:


It's one of the things I swore I'd never say as a parent, like calling my sons, "Young man" or saying, "When I was your age... " I've turned into a babbling idiot, also known as a mom.


Well, this has become a hodge podge of nothing in particular, so I'll let you move on to something more entertaining.

Good night.

I'm wearing: a navy blue and powder blue jogging-type suit

I'm listening to: the best movie ever made, The Shawshank Redemption

I'm eating/drinking: decaf, but wanting my ice cream! Waaa-aaah!

9:25 p.m. - 2003-01-03


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