ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


One of THOSE days... again

Ever have one of those days? I have them all the time, today not excepted.

This is going to be even more whiney than usual, so if you're not in the mood for a pity party... go check your e-mail or something.

As I said earlier, I woke up in a bad mood. I really wanted to sleep in, but my kids had other plans for me. It really baffles me how my kids can be up half the flippin' night, yet be raring to go at the crack of dawn. Evan and Jameson are confusing day and night. They have a TV and VCR in their room. I thought it would make bedtime easier, allowing them to watch their own videos as they feel asleep. The only problem was, they're waking up in the middle of the night watching every video they own. Then in the morning, they want to go back to bed and sleep half the day away. I don't mind this once in a great while on a weekend or holiday, but Evan starts back to school in a few days (cheer with me, please... YAY!!!!!)


... and I want him to get back on a regular schedule. The problem is, he's scared to death of night and needs the noise to help him sleep. He comes by that honestly. I was the same way as a kid. In fact, I slept with the TV on until a few years ago. I felt more secure with the noise in the background. So I try not to minimize his fears, but this being up half the night has got to stop.

So to make a long story short, the kids are on a backasswards schedule that has me losing sleep. Griffin isn't sleeping through the night anymore. Ever since he was sick, he wants to wake up and be held in the middle of the night. I don't mind this once in awhile, but he's a 25 pound baby. My back and shoulders can't take it in large doses.

Probably due to a lack of sleep, Evan had a horrible day. He was so combative all day. I know he's bored at home and anxious to get back to school, but he's so oppositional. He had a rage today and hit Jameson across the chest. I thought poor Jameson was going to stop breathing. I called Kevin and put him on warning that he may have to come home early. He knows that there may be times when he has to drop everything and come help me when Evan gets uncontrollable. I gave Evan a dose of meds and he was out of his rage within an hour.


It's been awhile since he's had a rage and frankly, I didn't miss them at all. I had a splitting headache the rest of the day.

Another thing that happened was I lost my cell phone number. I have this stupid prepaid Nokia phone and if I don't add minutes by a certain date, I lose my service and number. I lost the number once because I couldn't afford to buy airtime. Today though, it was just because I simply forgot. Even with Nokia sending me e-mails and calling me to remind me... I still forgot. I went ahead and purchased an airtime card and tried to reactivate my phone. I entered the code they gave me and it was denied. I have no idea why. So now, not only do I not have cell phone service, I'm out the money I spent on the damn airtime card. I have to take more time out of my day tomorrow and call the customer service line and tell them to A) credit me the money I spent on the card and B) shove the phone service up their ass, because I plan to buy a real phone - one with monthly service where I won't have to constantly reactivate. Not only that, but I had 57 minutes left on the phone that I completely lost when they deactivated it.

Today after Jameson got bopped upside the head by a flying Little Tikes vacuum (can you guess by whom?) he came running up to me for comfort. I bent down to pick him up just as he jumped up. I bit clean through my tongue. It bled like a stuck pig and hurt like hell. Now the bump is rubbing against my tooth and driving me crazy. Being a mom is so hard.

I got outbid at the last 38 seconds of the auction of a diecast car I was wanting.

Someone from the furniture repair company was supposed to call me today to give me a two hour window for repair tomorrow on my new couch. They never called.

Dan Akroyd called me today. Well, a recording of Dan Akroyd. He asked me how I was liking my new digital cable.

Bad thing to ask me on a day like today, Dan.

Had Dan been a live person, not a cheesy recording, he would have gotten an earful. "Would that be the same digital cable that's been out of service for almost three fucking weeks?!?!? Huh, DAN?? Huh?!?!" Maybe they should pay less for celebrity endorsements and concentrate on having services that WORK!!!

During the rare occasions when my kids actually sleep, I watch them in awe. I stare in amazement at how absolutely beautiful they are. I remind myself how lucky I am to have them. I think I must have the best children in the world. They're cute, funny, charming, polite and oh-so smart. But when they're in full heathen mode... I think, "I must have the worst kids in the world!" They won't do a damn thing they're told, they backtalk me, they ignore me when I ask them to do things, they call me names and they never, ever stop fighting!!

Is that normal? I love them to pieces, but there are times when I just want to walk out the front door and never look back. Today was one of those days. I had alot of trouble keeping perspective, especially during Evan's rage.

Maybe I need more/different/better medication.

Or a vacation.

Or a drink.

I'm wearing: grey sweats

I'm listening to: "The Baby" by Blake Shelton

I'm eating/drinking: just finished some decaf

10:08 p.m. - 2003-01-02


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