ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


We Slept In!

Evan had three weeks off of school, during which time we had two holidays, several weekends and other miscellaneous "days off" (as if I actually get days off... ). Any of these days would have been fine for us all to sleep in. However, what day did we sleep in?

Today... Evan's first day back at school. We woke up at 8:30am. Evan's bus comes at 9:00am and he's the world's worst dawdler. He must have been anxious to get back to school, because he lept right out of bed, ate breakfast and got himself dressed all without incident. Usually there's 45 minutes of fighting first.

We took the TV and VCR out of the boys' room last night in an effort to get them to sleep better. We also put Evan to sleep in our bed until we retired, so that he and Jameson wouldn't knock the hell out of each other. I wish I knew what the hell Evan is so afraid of at night. Even in our bed with a light on and the door open, he's terrified. When we put him back into his bed, he tried a couple of times to get up, but I promptly sent him back to bed. Eventually, he fell asleep and stayed asleep. Griffin woke up crying around midnight and out of desperation, I brought him into bed with us. After a couple of hours of him kicking me in the head and tossing and turning, I put him back to bed. He woke up again crying, but we let him cry. I was so exhausted, I slept through most of it, but Kevin said it kept him up. He was so tired, he didn't even go to the Y this morning. We woke up to daylight, which is highly unusual. Kevin shot out of bed when he saw how late it was. I can't believe we did that.

I still feel like total shit and would love to go back to bed. Evan will be home from school in two hours, so I'm afraid to go lie down for fear of not waking up in time to greet his bus.

Sorry this is so boring. Tomorrow (or tonight, whichever allows me the most free time) I plan to do a "Where Were You" entry, now that we're in a new year. That should really put you to sleep. Watch for it.

I'm wearing: navy blue long sleeved top, flare jeans with navy striped down the legs

I'm listening to: "The Baby" by Blake Shelton (what a tear jerker!)

I'm eating: nothing

1:39 p.m. - 2003-01-06


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