ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


6+6+6 = FOUR!

They say "twos" are terrible, but don't you believe it. Not until you've had a four year old. Four year olds are the most unreasonable, impossible beings on earth. This morning is a perfect example...

Jameson called for me to change the channel on the TV in the playroom. He hasn't quite mastered the new satellite's remote control, which is fine by me. The less he can operate, the less I have to replace. He told me he wanted to watch "Playhoue Disney". There are two Playhouse Disney channels on our satellite, so I got on each of them to find they were both playing the same show. Kiddingly, I asked, "Which one do you want, Rolie Polie Olie or Rolie Polie Olie?"

He said, "Uhhhhhhhh... Mmmmmm.... Uhhhhh"

I said, "How about Rolie Polie Olie?", choosing one of the two channels. He proceeded to scream, "NO!!NO!!NO!! I want ROLIE POLIE OLIE!!!!"

How stupid of me. After all, Rolie Polie Olie is a better show than Rolie Polie Olie. No wonder he would choose it.

Five must be better...

9:18 a.m. - 2003-07-01


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