ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Boring entry

This day in history... July 1st.

1982 ~ I moved from Missouri to California. I hated it instantly. I was so miserable, I cried for weeks.

1988 ~ Kevin and I moved into our new house in Camarillo.

1990 ~ My mom and dad were broadsided by a drunk driver and nearly killed. My dad spent two months in ICU with every rib in body broken and a punctured and collapsed lung.

Funny how all these things happened on this day in history. I wonder what's in store for me in 2003...

I had a good evening with Evan last night!

All of the kids who have perfect attendance at summer school get their names entered into a weekly drawing. Evan has won twice! Yesterday he won his second Wal~Mart gift card. Naturally, taking after his mother, he wanted to spend it right away. I gave the younger kids an early dinner and took Evan shopping after Kevin came home. Since neither of us had eaten, we stopped at Bob Evans along the way and had dinner, just the two of us. Evan ordered the chicken quesadilla and salad (he actually ate the salad!!) and I had fish, rice and green beans. Damn, it was good!

Evan and I sat and talked, mostly about Yu-Gi-Oh! while we ate. I wish I could speak his language. Did you know that Relinquished can beat all five pieces of Exodia when "convineded" with Dark Magician or Blue Eyes White Dragon? Well, it�s true. I have a reliable source for information.

We went to the big Wal~Mart in Mulletville. I had to get a few grocery related items and Evan wanted to purchase a toy with his winnings. After walking every aisle, he chose a Masters of the Universe figure and a Yu-Gi-Oh! notebook. It was fun being able to leisurely walk the craft aisle and not have to deal with fighting, whining, whimpering or fussing. I�m leaving Kevin home more often. *Writer Winks at Readers*

Evan and I had such a good time. I so love that little guy.

As we drove home in the dark... I had a Reagan moment.

I forgot where I was. I looked up and saw a Hardee�s sign and thought, "I�ve already passed my exit?" Then I thought... "Are we still in Oklahoma? Did we ever leave?" I honestly could not remember where I was or why I was there. Finally, it all came back to me. Scary. Dementia is setting in at 36.

Kevin said the boys were awesome for him. They went to bed without any grief and were absolute angels. Hmm. What is it about us all being together that makes these kids flip out?

Are you sitting down for this one? Griffin slept the through the night... and slept in!! Naturally, I slept horribly, because I awoke every ten minutes wondering why he wasn�t in bed with us. I got up four times to make sure he was still breathing. Then, the little booger slept until 7:30am, which is practically afternoon to my little early bird.

Kevin wants us all to go swimming at the Y tonight, but I don't really feel up to it. I never feel up to anything anymore. I�d much rather he take the kids and let me have the house to myself.

I forgot to buy diet coke last night and I�m having serious withdrawals now.

Well readers, my glamorous life of laundry folding and toilet scrubbing awaits.

4:30 p.m. - 2003-07-01


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