ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary



I showed the house last night! My neighbor, Deb, came by with her son. She said he was looking to buy a place and mine hit his eye, naturally. Deb and her husband live kind of catty-wampus (is that the correct spelling?) behind us and Deb's daughter and her family live directly behind us, so this would be a perfect place for Deb's son, dontcha think?

He loved the house, especially the three car garage, back gate and other "guy" features. I suspect the place is a bit out of his price range, though, because he asked me how firm we were on our price and I told him "very". We have absolutely no bargaining room whatsoever, which is one of things I hated about asking so little. I think if he checks around though, he won't be able to find a better bargain for the money, especially if he wants to live near his family. Maybe Deb and Vic can help him out with a down payment or something.

The realtor called yesterday to tell me she is working with a couple who just sold their house and need a new place immediately. They like this area because they want to be near their church, which is about a mile and a half up the road from us. She's sending them to our open house Sunday. She told me their names are Paul and Susan.

When I heard their names, a light beamed down from the Heavens and I knew... this is fate!!

See, when we sold our house in California, our realtor's name was Paul. Our realtor this time around is named Susan! I told Kevin and he reminded me of something else. When we bought our first home in California, the people from whom we bought it, were named... Paul and Susie!!

So, this has to be a sign, right? Let's hope so.

My kids are getting worse by the day. I'm going to be so ready to put them on school busses next Thursday. Yesterday, out of desperation, I put them in the car and we took a drive. I had to do something to put a stop to the constant hitting, scratching and slugging going on at home. I mistakingly thought a ride in the car would calm them down. All it did was give them a new place to try to kill one another. I found us driving in the older part of town, so I showed the kids (again) the house where I grew up. I love that neighborhood. It's so beautiful. It's ironic... it's become a very highly sought after place to live. Houses there, that are 30-35 years old, are selling for almost as much as our six year old house. My parents paid $28,000 for our first house and couldn't imagine how they were going to make that huge $235 a month payment.

In 1994, that house came up for rent and I desperately wanted to rent it. Our application was denied, because we were fresh off a bankruptcy. They gave it to a couple with three kids who trashed the place.

*Writer smirks to herself*

Have you ever, as a mature adult, wanted to go up to another adult and say, "Nyah nyah nyah!!" This was one of those times.

Anyway, I totally digress! While we were in the older part of town, I searched for some place new to go to lunch. I decided upon Lee's fried chicken. I've lived here how long now? And we've never been there. I got a family meal with mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw and green beans. It was fabulous. Blows the colonel away. We even had enough to have for dinner, too.

While in the car, Evan got himself grounded for almost a week. I asked them to be quiet when we approached the drive-thru, so I could order in peace. He mocked me. He'd been doing so all day and I'd had enough. I told him he was grounded for four days. Four fun-filled days of not going to his friends' houses and not going swimming at the "Y". His reply?

"Screw you, mom"

I added another day to his sentence.

When we were just around the corner from home, Griffin started screaming at the top of his lungs. I hollered at him to please STOP. Evan told him, "Keep doing it, Griffin!" I gave Evan another day.

After we ate, I insisted on the kids taking naps. Jameson protested, saying, "I's too growned to be nappin'!" But I took note that he was the first one asleep. Waking at 5:40am will do that to a person. I slept for a minute or two (orsixty) myself, trying to get them down for their naps. When I got up, I had one glorious hour of peace before they started waking up again. It was the most wonderful hour of my life. I sat down with my craft stuff and made another beaded keychain, without interruption.

Oh, I forgot to mention our "bro-SHEERS" that the realtor made. *Groans* She mentioned three times that we have a walk-out basement, but forgot to mention that we have a brand new cedar deck. She didn't mention anything about the AAA rated school district, the elementary school of which is within spitting distance. She said nothing about the luxury master bath or the ceiling fans throughout. One thing she did mention, was inaccurate and Kevin is to blame. He listed that we had "plantation" blinds throughout. I told him that they were in fact faux wood. He spelled "faux" wrong on the disclosure sheet and it looked like "full". So she listed that we have "plantation full wood blinds" which makes us look like total idiots. I hope no one notices. She also put, in bold face print...


Linda, the grammar and spelling nazi cringes as she reads the word "to" instead of "too" and the sentence ending in a preposition. *Heeby Geebies*

I put the last of the new house pictures up yesterday if you'd like to take a peek at them here.

Have a good day!

7:29 a.m. - 2003-07-18


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