ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


I'm still here...

I'm wide awake at 3:12am and choosing to bang out an entry to this diary, as opposed to making more of an effort to get back to sleep. This is all the result of a regular diet coke that was brought home to me by Kevin. When will I learn not to consume caffeinated beverages after 2:00pm? This certainly isn't the first time this has happened.

I think I'm doing a fairly good job of getting things packed. Naturally, alot more remains undone. Funny how life always gets in the way of my efforts to be effecient and complete this task. The kids still need raising, the laundry still needs to be done and everyone still insists on eating three meals a day... at least. If these incumberances weren't standing in my way, I'd have the entire house packed already.

Everything is off the walls, the holes have been patched and place is starting to look less and less like home. I have to admit this is a little sad. There are plenty of things about this place that I'll miss. After all, this is our home. This was a place we built and our first brand new house. It's the only home Jameson and Griffin have ever known and the only home Evan remembers. Two of them were conceived in this house and born to this house. There are alot of memories here, good and bad. It's hard to believe we would have been here seven years this November. Evan was nine months old when we moved here.

The kids are thoroughly confused.

"Are we taking the new landscaping?"

"Are we taking the cars?"

"Will Daddy have a new job to go along with the new house?" (He wishes... )

"Can we take the deck with us?"

"Are we taking the cats wiff us or do the new owners get to keep them?"

I'm still undecided on that last question.

"Will I always go to my school?"

I can't remember if I mentioned it here, but we're not taking the kids out of their schools after all. After attending Evan's open house last week, I decided I couldn't go through with having him change schools. His new teacher is the sweetest woman I've ever met. His first grade teacher saw and him, ran up and gave him a big hug. All the kids said hello to him as if he was a celebrity walking down the hall. His special ed teacher welcomed him with a big hug and told him how much she missed him.

Okay, so maybe that's their job, but everyone genuinely seems to love Evan. They all have his best interests at heart. He's so at home there. I fully intended upon sitting down with his teacher and telling her what was going on. I would tell her that we were moving, no offense to them, we loved what they've done for him, but this is how it has to be be, blah blah blah...

Instead, I said, "We're moving and... waaaa-aaah sob sob! Blubber, sob, waaa-aaah!

I sat there and bawled like a blubbering idiot. Then Kevin and I both decided we would use someone else's address and keep Evan and Jameson both in this district, no matter the inconvenience or consequences.

Don't tell the higher-ups of the school district, nnkay? Thank you...

I'm starting to get a little spooked about living in an apartment with these kids. I know it's only temporary, but my kids are not acclimated to the idea of being the least bit quiet. I've tried to condition them by saying, "Ssshhhhhh! We have to practice living in an apartment. Use quiet voices. And quit stomping! AND STOP RUNNING!! DAMMIT ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?! I SAID BE QUIET!!!!!!!"

It's hopeless. We'll be evicted in a week or less.

We'll have neighbors on several sides of us. Not above or below, but one tenant next to us on one side, two different tenants behind us and two catty-wampus behind us. Larry tells me his catty-wampus neighbors are the ones he hears most in his condo. I hope they're all tolerant of children.

What I really hope is that we can do all of this without any major problems. I hope we can disconnect utilities here ad reconnect them at the new place without interruption, I hope we can get moved in without the kids driving me too insane, I hope we don't end up paying more to store our shit than we are to rent the apartment and I hope our new house is complete before the turn of the century. I can see why building new homes breaks up marriages and drives people to the booby hatch.

Now my tummy is rumbling from hunger, so I'm going to grab a snack and try to get some sleep or I'll really regret this in a few hours when the kids are wide awake and placing demands on me.

Take care...

3:12 a.m. - 2003-07-28


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