ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Busy busy busy busy busy

Just popping in for a quick entry!

Kevin took today off and we spent the day running errands and apartment hunting. He found a place to rent. We gave them a deposit and get keys on the 8th. Bad thing is... they want us to be in on the 8th. They don't want the place to sit vacant until our planned move date of the 20th, so as if we weren't rushed enough, we now have even less time in which to move. The place seems really nice, but my GOD is it small (less than 1,000 sq. ft.) It's a two bedroom, two bath townhouse, overlooking the courtyard and play area. It's got brand new carpeting and vinyl and all appliances are included. We'll be paying $810 a month. They have a pool, tennis courts, racquetball court, game room, weight room, playground and clubhouse.

Tomorrow, we're ordering a POD. Kevin's going to get the truck and Chevelle running so we can get them up to Craig's race shop for storage until the house is built.

I rounded up a bunch of boxes today and have been busy packing them. I'm trying to divide everything into "later" boxes and "now" boxes. The later stuff we'll store in the POD and keep stored until the house is built. The sooner stuff we'll need in the apartment.

This is all so ridiculous. I'm grateful that Sue got our house sold so quickly, but the fact that the people want in so quickly is absurd. I really resent them for it. That and the fact that we took $2,000 off our asking price and gave them a perfectly good fridge free of charge. Fuckers.

Well, I've banged at these keys long enough - I need to resume packing and labelling things for garage sale purposes.

Talk to you all later!

5:33 p.m. - 2003-07-25


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