ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


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Twenty seven years ago today I had my tonsils taken out. Just thought I'd mention it. Please save this information for your records.

We had a relatively quiet and uneventful fourth. Stephanie called in the morning to ask if she and Matt could take Evan and Jameson down to the riverfront for the fair. Originally, I wasn't opposed to this idea, but as the day wore on and the temperature climbed to 98, I thought better of it. Kevin agreed.

Matt called later to say that they were waiting until sundown to go downtown. I agreed that the boys could go as long as the sun was down.

I went to Wal-Mart to get some craft-type things. Shopping alone is something childless people take for granted. I have little enough concentration for things without having to referee fights and say, "No, we aren't buying that" every nine seconds. It was pleasant. When I came home, everyone was napping, except Jameson. I took advantage of the silence by preparing our dinner. I made hamburgers with the most incredible marinade I've ever had, corn on the cob, baked beans and macaroni and cheese. Because of the heat, we cooked the burgers on the George Foreman grill and ate inside.

Shortly after eating, we gathered the kids into the car and took them to Matt and Steph's. Along the way, we drove through an apartment complex next to theirs. I heard that this place offers short term rentals, which we may have to utilize if we sell this house before our new one is complete. It seems like an okay place. When we got to Matt's place, Stephanie told us their complex also offers month to month leases. I'd much rather live there than next door, so I guess if we have to, we'll be living there temporarily this summer or fall.

It was unusual having a quiet house that evening. Griffin stayed up and played with us for a bit before falling asleep, then we had a typical evening - me doing laundry and straightening up the house and Kevin parked on the couch in front of the TV.

The kids called and said they were having a blast and were going to stay for the fireworks. Kevin and I sat out on the deck for as long as we could stand the heat and saw at least four professional fireworks displays (coming from where, I don't know) and at least half a dozen "redneck in his driveway" displays. Our neighbors across the street were out half the night shooting them off. I cringed at the thought of my new roof being set ablaze. People have no consideration whatsoever. Imagine if I stood in front of their house any other night of the year, lighting things off that made deep sustained booming and crackling sounds and leaving behind a trail of debris. How long do you think they'd put up with it? But I'm expected to tolerate it because it's July 4th. Then I get the added pleasure of cleaning their garbage from my front yard the following day. The debris promptly got re-deposited onto their driveway. Fair, no? Sorry if this offend my readers, but I just can't comprehend this fascination:

"Let's laht thissy here stick afahr and lissen to it go POP!!"


"Yeeeeee-hawwww!! Whoooo-hooooo!"

Please don't call me unpatriotic. I am neither that, nor anti~American. I love my wonderful country as well as the next person. I just think fireworks are best left to the professionals, especially when temps are in the mid to upper 90s. Every year, children's hands, fingers and eyes are blown to bits... homes are burned down and for what? So Bubba can hand his three year old a sparkler?

"Ain't it cute? Bubba Jr. is playin' with a 1000~degree pi-ro-teck-nick!"

Sorry... I just don't get it.

*Writer puts her soapbox back under the bed with the dust bunnies... *

I went to bed my usual time and I vaguely heard the kids wander in around 11:00pm. I went to tuck them in and they were so excited, they both started talking non-stop about their evening. They had such a good time. I love those guys.

Yesterday was a colossal bore. I sent Kevin to the post office to mail a package and buy a stamp. He forgot the stamp. Later, I sent him to the store for a few things, including my weekly dose of Hollywood gossip, aka People magazine. I even wrote it down.

He forgot the magazine.

Men are so fucking stupid.

Oh, I could have gone myself, but I had plenty else to keep me busy. I did some more patching and painting and collected a few more heaps of shit to add to the garage sale pile. I wanted to start pricing stuff, but until it cools down some, I'm not about to go into that garage. Kevin was kind enough to allow me to sleep in a little yesterday morning and I'm returning the favor today.

Well, the coffee is getting low and my fingers are getting numb from typing. This is my cue to depart. Have a good Sunday!

7:05 a.m. - 2003-07-06


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