ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary



Rest and sing in peace, Barry White.

I have something to add to the entry I had made previously...

Why was it mentioned that Barry White was "heavyset"? Who cares? It wasn't mentioned that he was black or had the whitest teeth I've ever seen. Nowhere in thin people's obituaries do I read "The thin-as-a-beanpole Joe Blow died as a result of being blown over by a slight breeze... "

Or, "Ms. Spender, who was in debt up to her ass, died today... "

Or, "Miss Easy was a bleach blond who waxed her upper lip. She'll be missed... "

His weight may have resulted in his health problems, but his size was in no way pertinant to his collective worth as a musician or human being and is proof that the overweight are the last safe minority group to ridicule and belittle.

Sorry Barry, that even in death you can't find the dignity you deserve. Jesus.

12:12 p.m. - 2003-07-05


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