ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Saturday Sorrows

I've added some pictures of our (hopefully-soon-to-be-former) house to my fotolog. Check it out!

For lack of anything better to do, I thought I'd add an entry about my boring Saturday.

I was up at the crack of dawn, as usual, courtesy of my youngest demon spawn. I wonder what it's like to wake up fully on my own. You know... like when my body dictates that I've had enough sleep. Are there people who do this?

Within a half hour or so, everyone except Evan was wide awake. Matt and Stephanie came over to pick up the golf cart that still resides in my garage. They were going to the grand opening of some Nascar collectibles store in town. They thought they might be able to sell it. To keep you in suspense, I'll let you know later whether said golf cart found its way back to my garage.

Kevin cut the front yard and plans to cut the back today. He threw some fertilizer down to get rid of the clover that's been plaguing our lawn since late winter.

I let the kids play out in the backyard for awhile, until Jameson started throwing all our playground balls over the fence, then I suggested we go back in. This did not go over well with the masses. Stan and Jan Berenstain write about the spaghetti-legged child, who when being dressed, loses control of his lower limbs and refuse to stand, walk or cooperate in any way. This is what Griffin experienced. In an attempt for me to allow him to remain outside, his entire body turned to mashed potatoes when I tried to walk him inside. I had to carry him, flailing and screaming, back inside.

Evan dragged his lazy ass out of bed near 10:00am. We took showers, then we went to the post office to mail a couple of things I've sold on ebay recently.

We then went to visit Matt and Stephanie at their show, as we promised them we would do. We walked through the new collectibles store, too. This guy won't make it. He ought to call it the Dale Earnhardt store, for one thing, because that's about all he had. He had some original things, but most of what he had you could find several dollars cheaper at Wal-Mart, if you were so inclined. That's the trouble with Nascar collectibles... the market has been saturated. Ten or fifteen years ago, it was rare to stumble upon stuff like that, because it was mostly only found at the race tracks. Now you can get the stuff anywhere and you can get anything.

"Oooh! Look! An orange Home Depot Faggy Tony Stewart Left Nostril Inhaler That Glows in the Dark with My State Motto on It!! For only $39.99!"

It's just gone too far, I think. So I predict this guy will be out of business in three months. I'll keep you posted.

We then went out to lunch...


My god they were horrible!! Griffin wouldn't stop throwing his cup, Jameson wouldn't stop jumping in the booth and irritating the partons behind us and Evan made one obnoxious noise after another. Jameson knocked his chicken onto the floor once while he was spinning back and forth in his seat. He threw such a fit when I wouldn't let him eat it off the floor, that I finally said, "Oh go ahead and eat it already!" I was so glad to get out of there, as were the employees I'm sure. Mark my words... I will never do that again. We can do take out and eat it at home, but we will never sit in a restaurant together as a family again. I can't take the embarrassment.

Now it's off to Target for a birthday present for Evan's friend. He chose a Yu-Gi-Oh! starter pack and a Bionicle. I found a gift bag on clearance, some fancy tissue and matching ribbon and we were good to go.

We came home, Evan got his swimming trunks and Kevin took him to his swimming party. Kevin asked why he had to take him to the party. I told him, "I do kids all week. It's my turn for a break." He whined about how hard he works and when does he get a break, blah blah blah. I still had to stay home with the youngest of my satanic offspring, so he probably got the better end of the deal. I put Griffin down for a nap and tried to get Jameson to sleep as well. He fought me, but eventually fell asleep. His snoring was so loud that I couldn't sleep, so I sat out here at the computer, as usual. I called Kevin to see how it was going, then I went back in and slept next to Jameson for half an hour or so.

At nearly five, I decided I better get Griffin up or he'd be up all night. I was sitting on the couch with him, enjoying a rare "still" moment, when Matt came back...

... with the golf cart. It didn't sell, so it's back "home" in my third car garage. Anyone want a custom built golf cart. Please?

I gave the kids some slop for dinner and ordered them the Harry Potter movie on pay per view. I made spaghetti with tomatoes and green chiles and spinach and cheese focaccia for dinner for Kevin and me, then we went to bed.

The End. Today will likely be every bit as, if not more, boring. I'll let you know.

6:15 a.m. - 2003-06-22


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