ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Coming out of the (clean) closet

I'm taking a much needed break from cleaning. I cleaned out our closet this morning and actually lived to tell about it. We have a walk-in closet in our bedroom, but it's really no bigger than a standard wall closet. in fact, in might even be a little smaller. I had gotten in the bad habit of just throwing things in on my side and figured I'd deal with it later. Today was "later". What a disaster that closet had become. I got everything sorted, organized and put away in a proper place. I threw away lot of junk and made a garage sale pile. I'm so proud of this closet, I may even take a picture of it!

I've typed up labels to print up for my garage sale things. I figured it was easier than writing prices on tags and cheaper than buying the premade tags. I hope this sale is a success. I've never had much luck with garage sales here. I had wonderful garage sales in California and always made a bundle. Here, I usually end up hauling most of it away, priced and unsold, to Goodwill or saving it for another garage sale that will likely be as big a disaster. I hope I can get enough people together to make it a success. Stephanie plans to throw some clothes in and she and Matt are going to display the golf cart in hopes of unloading it. I'm going to call Amy and Melissa and see if they have anything they would like to contribute.

It's been miserably hot here the past couple of days. I was so uncomfortable out running errands yesterday. Hot weather gives me an instant headache, even if I'm out in it only briefly. Relief is on the way this weekend,. thankfully.

An entry is boring, if I'm talking about weather. I'm gonna grab some lunch and see what else I can organize while I'm so inspired.

12:07 p.m. - 2003-06-25


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