ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Rainy Thursday

Okay, I just clicked on "add an entry" but do I really have anything to say? It's the ungodly hour of 7:00am, so whatever I say will most likely not make sense. Bear with me.

Hmmmmm... what else did I do yesterday. I referreed fights. I fetched juice. I changed the DVD a hundred times. I did 7,923 loads of laundry (well, it felt like that many) and I packed a few things for this alleged move.

It was hot as hell yesterday, so I didn't let the kids go outside to play. Their inability to run off energy caught up with them around 4:00pm. What a coincidence! That's when Evan gets off the bus. I swear my kids were all meant to be only children. They bring out the worst in each other.

Evan likes to refer to the Wiggles as the Wiggly-Tubbies. Don't get me wrong ~ he loves the Wiggles as much as the younger two, but he says it for one reason. To annoy the shit out of Jameson.

I'll hear the following conversation floating down the hall from the playroom:

Evan: *Mutters unintelligably*

Jameson: (Blood curdling screams) "MOM!! HE SAY THE WIGGLY TUBBIES!!!!"

Evan: *Evil laughter, followed by more undecipherable muttering*

Jameson: (Louder blood curdling screams) "MOM!! HE SAY THE WIGGLY TUBBIES AGAIN!!!!"

This will go on indefintely. It never stops until they both collapse from weakness every night. No amount of threatening works. I'm at a loss. Hopefully by college, they will have outgrown this.

I ordered dinner in last night because Kevin had to work late. I called Scooters, which is a fancy delivery place. They have steak, prime rib, chicken... things like that. Alot better than pizza or Chinese, which have cornered the home delivery market. The only downside is the cost. With tip, I spent $50!! Yikes! Oh well, I guess every once in awhile, it's worth it not to have to cook with heathens at my feet.

It rained most of the night and is supposed to continue today. Our sump pump is working overtime! I welcome the rain after three days of temps in the 90s. I don't know if I mentioned it, but there was a possibility Kevin might have had to go to Wyoming for work. They had bad storms up there a few days ago, resulting in alot of hail damamge. They needed someone to go write estimates. They had basketball sized hail!! Needless to say, most of the cars were totalled I'm sure. Anyway, they got someone else to go do the work. Kevin was looking forward to going because they're having winter-like weather now.

Well, the kids are up and all having issues that need Mom's attention. Have a good Thursday!

6:54 a.m. - 2003-06-26


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