ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


A bit of a bitch session

We went out to look at that house Matt and Stephanie like last night. It's a great house. It's immaculate, inside and out. The people who live there have done alot to it. Matt and Steph wouldn't have to do a thing to it. The lower level is partially finished and everything has been remodelled. It's quite a deal at only $137,900. We told them they should offer $134,000 and allow the owner to counter at $135,000. I also told them that if the owner won't come down at all, they should accept their terms. The house needs nothing and is priced right.

We're going to help them out with a down payment, but it seems they need more than we thought they would. Hmmmm... I guess we have some details to iron out.

Today is Jameson's preschool circus. I was up until 1:00am finishing his costume. It looks okay, but it certainly doesn't look like I spent as much time on it as I did. I didn't decorate the back of the outfit, because I knew the paint wouldn't dry in time for me to send it with him this morning. I think it'll look okay. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures to impose on you all.

It is June where you live, isn't it? I just wanted to check, considering I have my heat on! I woke up this morning and it was 66 degrees in the house. Yesterday it rained all day and was a good 20 degrees cooler than normal for this time of year. I'm not complaining. The fewer days without heat and humidity, the better.

Okay, here's something I will complain about. My neighbors.

* Why oh why do people mow their yard, but not trim?

* Why do people cut their grass so short is turns a different color?

* Why do they not sweep up their clippings?

* Why do they not pull or spray weeds in their driveways?

* Why do they leave bags of grass at the side of their driveways for weeks on end? (TIP: buy a mulching blade and bagging won't be necessary)

* Why do they allow the blinds in their windows to become mangled, broken and hang crookedly? Don't they know how awful that looks from the street?

* Why do they put stickers on the insides of their windows?

* Why do they leave their garage doors open all day long?

* Why do they leave car parts at the side of their homes for six or more years?

* Why do they put gnomes, gazing balls, railroad ties, wrought iron benches and other assorted lawn ornamenents throughout their planters?

* Why can't they bend over and pick up the newspapers for which they pay good money?

* Why do they allow two and three year old children to have free reign of the neighborhood?

These (plus many more unmentioned) are all things my neighbors are guilty of. These are all things against the supposed "convenants", that have never once in the six and a half years I've lived here, been enforced. We're planning to sell our home in the near future. All of these things bring our value down substantially. If it effects our ability to sell this place for its true worth, I plan to personally sue the homeowner's association, its members and each individual neighbor who violates the policies. Naturally, the biggest violators live at the entrance of the subdivision, not at at the rear. What a nice first impression! A totalled Mustang up on blocks! Oh, let's move here!

My house in any other subdivision would be worth 20% - 30% more than it is here, dammit.

Okay, I'm done with my rant. Now I'm gonna get some breakfast. Good day. And sorry if I offended any of my neighbors. Oh, that's right! They can't read!

8:41 a.m. - 2003-06-03


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