ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Most Boring Entry Ever

Not a lot going on today. The kids and I are having a lazy day. Kevin is in Nashville until late tonight, so it's just us. We had a great night last night! I took them to McDonald's for an early dinner as soon they got off their busses. I let them stay up late in hopes of them sleeping in today. We played and watched the Harry Potter movie I bought for Evan on PayPerView.

Griffin was in bed with me by 11:30pm, which is when I went to bed. I think his room being right by ours is the problem. Our creaky old bed wakes him up and reminds him that he isn't in bed with us. I still got a pretty good night's sleep, even with my little 27 pound visitor.

The kids slept until 7:30am, which isn't bad for them. Evan went back to sleep after breakfast and slept until almost 1:00pm, when I was serving lunch.

As soon as Griffin wakes up, we're headed to the store. The kids wanted to "camp" tonight, with popcorn. Plus, it's Friday, so my magazines are on the stands. Gotta have my gossip!

How's this for the most boring entry I've ever written? Maybe nasty reviews was right... I'm a bore! Mwahahahaha...

Maybe tomorrow will be exciting.

2:53 p.m. - 2003-06-06


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