ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


It's all crap

I'm having a shitty day. And I'm in a really bad mood.

It was not my destiny to ever sleep. That's right ~ it's not in the cards for me to sleep. My neighbors didn't want me to sleep last night and today two of my kids and a pushy real estate agent had plans for me other than napping.

A couple of weeks ago, Brian and Jen next door apologized in advance to Matt and Stephanie for the party they had planned to have last night and the noise that it would undoubtedly bring. They didn't apologize to us, the owners of the house, but to Matt and Stephanie who were over visiting. I like Brian and Jen alot, but the next time they have a wingding, I plan to spend the night at a hotel. The party started off quietly. By the time I went to bed around 11:00pm, it had gotten a little noisier, but still not out of hand. By the time the party disbanded at five fucking o'clock this morning, I had had all I could stand. Just when I would drift off to sleep, I would be awakened by a non~street legal, high performance engine drag car pulling up to see how the party was going. Or by the music that seemed to be getting louder as the night wore on. Or by the occassional drunken, "WHOOO-HOO!!" let out by one of the party attendees.

I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with these people, like I did with the asshole who preceeded them, but please. The old broad needs her sleep.

The kids didn't seem too bothered by it, then again... they were in the back of the house, out of earshot of party central.

I announced first thing this morning, after being awakened to the sounds of choas, that I was going to take a nap and no one was going to try to stop me. Go ahead and laugh. That's what my kids did, too.

Kevin is still in goddamned Tennessee at the goddamned race which got goddammned rained out last night. Racing promoters worry only about the allmighty buck, and not about the lives of the poor bastard working the race, nor his family. So Kevin will arrive home tomorrow morning, exhausted and grumpy, hampering my chances of having a break from these kids or following through with any of the plans we made for the weekend. Another fucking weekend shot to shit.

After lunch I once again announced my plan for slumber. Once again, it was met with resistance. Evan has had a horrible day and was alrady in pre~rage state because I took some damn thing away (who even knows what) because he hit his brother. I didn't want to leave him in the house unattended while I slept, for fear he would try to sneak outside. I told him to come and lie down with me, hoping this would calm the rage. Guess again!

Griffin went down to sleep with no difficulties, as did Jameson, eventually. No such luck with Evan. He threw such a fit, I told him, "FINE! Get up! Do whatever the hell you want! Just LET ME SLEEP!!"

"Ding dong!", says the doorbell.

Now let me say that if it were up to me, I would never answer a ringing doorbell unless I was expecting someone. Unfortunately, with the help of uncovered side windows next to the door and kids who shout, "MOM! SOMEONE'S AT THE DOOR!!" I stand no chance of pretending I'm not home. My next home will not have either of these features.

I get up, against my better judgement, to find a well dressed man at my door. He thrusts his handshake at me and introduces himself. He's a realtor who gave me a stupid, $30,000~too~low home evaluation last week on housevalues.com. Here's a tip from Auntie Linda. Don't use housevalues.com unless you want to be deluged with junk mail, unsolicited phone calls and obviously now unsolicited visits!

I made this mistake many years ago and had an equally pushy realtor sending me junk mail for three years. Now, they go door to door. When will I learn?

So, as I said, it isn't meant to be. Me sleeping, that is. I'm destined to be awake and cranky as all hell forever.

I told you I was a bad mood. Now sign my tag board to make me feel better, dammit.

Oh, by the way... as Summer pointed out, I've been quoted!! I'm so thrilled to be listed with the likes of Dusty my favorite writer! Thanks to zappagrrl for listing me!

3:52 p.m. - 2003-06-07


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