ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Survey 80s style

Because I have no privacy to type what I want, I'm throwing a survey up and calling it an entry. I stole this from a message baord I used to frequent.

All about the 80s...

Did you ever tuck your pants into your socks? ~~~ yes and I continued to do so long after it was out of "style"

Did you ever tie a bandana around your leg? ~~~ Yes, several at a time

Did you ever wear parachute pants? ~~~ Yes

Did you ever wear so much eyeshadow that you looked like Rainbow Brite? ~~~ Yes, I used to layer blue, purple and pink. I was almost as cool as I thought I was!

Were your bangs at least 3 inches tall when properly hairsprayed? ~~~ I had the tallest hair of any non~Mexican girl at school!

Did you ever wear multicolored plastic bracelets? ~~~ I had some, but I preferred to wear black leather bangles with spikes on them

Did you ever wear OMG, scrunch socks and keds? ~~~ No Keds, but I wore scrunch socks and elfinboots, which were high top canvas shoes on which I folded the tops down

Did you ever wear a cut sweatshirt a la Flashdance? ~~~ I did one summer ('83), but it was a little too preppy for me

Did you ever wear vans or penny loafers? ~ Again, penny loafers were more common with the socie~preppy crowd. Being a teenager in southern California, I LIVED in Vans!!

What was your FAVORITE Atari game? ~~~ Space Invaders! (And no, Dj... Donkey Kong was a ColecoVision game!)

Tomorrow will be quite busy, but I promise a long update tomorrow evening or Monday morning! Have a good one!

9:27 p.m. - 2003-06-28


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