ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Kids, Realtors and a Survey

Is it normal for a not-quite-two year old to hit? Griffin has begun this and I don't like it one bit. He seems to take pleasure in hitting and kicking his father and me. I don't know how to handle this, either. What do I do ~ hit him back? That seems hypocritcal and counter~productive. He's still so babylike, that regular discipline wouldn't work. I'm not sure what he can comprehend at this stage.

The reason I ask this, at 5:30am, is because I was awakened at shortly before 5:00am by the aformentioned child. He refused to go back to sleep, so I groggily brought him out in the family room with me. I turned on his favortie video, made him a cup of juice and thought all was right with the world. He starting having a little mini~rage right before my eyes. He threw the remote off the coffee table. He came over and hit me. He threw the juice cup across the room. He hit the TV. He took the couch cushions off the couch. He slapped me across the arm.

He's now in his crib, screaming bloody murder. I had had all I could take of it, so I put him back to bed. I don't want him to think of his crib as punishment, but at the same time, the old broad can only take so much shit at 5:00am on a Saturday morning.

He's starting to show tendencies that scare me. Is he Evan all over again? My god... what would I do if I had three kids with behavioral/mental disorders? Aside from losing my mind and having to be taken away by a couple of nice young men in clean white coats...

I hope this is a phase and one that ends soon. Maybe he sees how poorly his brothers treat me and thinks it's acceptable? Jameson likes to hit me when he gets angry, too. The only difference, I have some leverage with Jameson. I can discipline him. It doesn't seem to stop him for long, but I'm hoping he'll associate bad behavior with consequence before he goes off to college.

All of my kids can be so damn sweet, it makes me want to cry, but then they'll turn around and sprout horns and pitchforks in the blink of an eye.

UPDATE: Well, I just took Satan Griffin out of bed and brought him back out into the family room. He's sitting sweetly on the couch, drinking juice and watching "Wake Up Jeff". Hmmmmm....

My friend Tim the realty agent got back in touch with me last night. I left him a message for him to call me so we can get together. I may as well talk to him, as well as the other agent, and tell them both that it's all going to boil down to money. Whichever of them can offer the best commission and highest appraisal for this dump will get our business. We really need to get going on this. I hate the thought of it not selling and us having to take next to nothing for it. I'm glad the new house will be our last one for awhile!

I may as well get some work done now that I'm up. Oh, but first... here's a survey I stole from a locked diary:

1. Fave movie? ~~~~~ Shawshank Redemption

2. Fave album? ~~~~~ John Mayer - Room For Squares

3. Milk, dark or white chocolate? ~~~~~ ANY AND ALL CHOCOLATE! Milk, dark OR white! ALL OF IT! NOW! I love chocolate!

4. Have you ever been arrested? ~~~~~ Nope

5. Bus or train? ~~~~~ Car, please

6. Worst haircut you've had? ~~~~~ 1997. This bitch at Great Clips left strands of hair uncut and hanging. I looked so bad, I wouldn't leave the house for weeks.

7. Would you shave your head? ~~~~~ I talk about it alot. Combine thick, unruly hair with hot flashes and you'll consider anything

8. Do you have a tattoo, if yes then what is it, if no then would you get one? ~~~~~ Everyone knows how I feel about this one (Why is this question on every survey???)

9. Most you've won on the lottery? ~~~~~$4 on a scratch off in 1986

10. Hottest Celebrity? ~~~~~Clay Aiken, my little buttercup

11. Dream holiday destination? ~~~~~ Same place I go every year - Mandalay Shores Resort, Oxnard CA

12. Worst holiday experience? ~~~~~ Spending the fourth of July, 1990 in the emergency room with Matt

13. Fave joke ever! ~~~~~ Probably my Helen Keller joke

14. If you could be a celebrity, which? ~~~~~ Paula Abdul

15. Would you nude model for free? ~~~~~ Shit no

16. For $1,000? ~~~~~ Nah, I wouldn't do that to society

17. If you were given $10,000 cash on Monday, what would you buy? ~~~~~ Apply iit to the down payment of our new house or buy some furniture

18. Do you believe in ghosts? ~~~~~ yes

19. How many people have you dated? ~~~~~ Shit, I'm 36 years old! I can barely remember what I had for breakfast. I think about 100

20. MIL, love her or hate her? ~~~~~ Sadly, I couldn't stand her

21. If you could do one crime with no consequence what would it be? ~~~~~ murder sounds fun

22. Your worst fear? ~~~~~ Losing my children

23. Could you eat Balut Eggs (fully developed chicks still in their eggs and hard boiled)? ~~~~~Uhhhh. Ew.

24. What three items would you take with you if you had to evacuate your home? ~~~~~ Evan, Jameson and Griffin! As far as material things: scrapbook pictures, computer and my third row American Idol tickets!

25. Worst way to die? ~~~~~ Probably fire

Well, that's it! Have a great Saturday, faithful readers...

5:37 a.m. - 2003-06-28


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