ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Spring is here!

Whew ~ another busy weekend! Amy's husband, Marc came over Friday night to look at the landscaping work we need to have done. He's going to start building our retaining wall this week sometime. It'll be a busy place around here ~ between him, the roofers and all the kids still home from school.

We had GoRgEoUs weather this weekend! Sunny with temps in the low 70s! Aaaahhh... spring is here and I'm so damn happy!

Kevin had a side job to do Saturday afternoon. He replaced brakes for a guy he works with. He hurt his knee in the process, so he spent much of the weekend complaining and being a big ol' baby.

I went shopping for clothes and bought $250 worth of stuff for my trip. Kevin would shit a brick if he knew that. Oh, fuck him... I got a check last week for my insurance settlement. I planned to used it as spending money on my trip. Soooo... I began spending early. I rarely spend money on myself.

I loathe clothes shopping. I always think I'll enjoy it, until A) I see the prices and B) I realize how incredibly fat and repulsive I look in everything. I wish the weight would come off faster. I look like a P.E. teacher. I went to the new Dress Barn we have in town. They moved in right next to Kohl's where the Jesus store used to be. Man, they have cute things!

Today we went looking for patio furniture again. I never realized how any places carry patio furniture. My grocery store even has a set. Once I get a bee in my bonnet about something, finding it becomes an obsession. It was suggested to me that we go to a place called Watson's. I was told they have a big selection and that all their outdoor furniture was on clearance. *Snort* Yeah, right... I guess being marked down from $7,500 to $5,900 really is a deal. Christ. The combined worth of all our household furniture isn't that damn much. I really can't see putting $6,000 furniture on a $4,000 deck or $500 patio. The search continues...

We went to Sam's because they had a really nice set there. Once I saw it again, I didn't care for it as much. I still like the very first set we saw, and it was the cheapest, as well. Good thing we didn't need to buy anything at Sam's. Scatterbrain Mommy forgot her membership card in her coat pocket. I swear I'm losing my mind.

One week from tomorrow is the Cardinals' first game!! I can't wait!

Another thing we did today was to do some house hunting. We so need a bigger house. We found one last spring we loved, but it was in the next town and therefore in a different school district. We really want to keep Evan (Jameson, too) in the same schools if at all possible. If we had to put them in another district, it wouldn't be the end of the world, but it might be a hard transition for Evan. Today, we found a development from the same builder as the house we liked last spring. They have another floor plan we like even more and better yet, all the options that were extra on the first house we liked, are standard on this new plan! We could get twice the house for right around the same money as the first one we liked. Trouble is... we aren't crazy about the development itself. The lots aren't great and the street it's off of is under major construction and will be for several years. Getting in and out of the place is a major bitch. I would have to take Evan and Jameson to school, because even though there's an elementary school is right across the street, we could keep them at their current schools. We'd need to apply for an exemption of boundaries, since both boys are special needs students. As long as we're in the district, we can keep them in the school of our choice. Anyway... I'd have to do alot of driving through all the construction mess for awhile. Sadly, there aren't many new developments in our school district. We're pretty much land-locked. All the building is going on in O'Fallon and Wentzville. I could handle living in O'Fallon, but I don't care for Wentzville at all.

One idea we kicked around was to sell everything and move back to California. Kevin was actually the one who suggested it, if you can believe that! I would love nothing more, but unfortunately, we simply couldn't afford to live there anymore. We figured... our house is worth about $165,000. It's six years old and has 1,700 square feet. It's really too small for our needs. The kids need a playroom, their own bedrooms and we need a guest room. Our current house would be worth around $350,000 in southern California, so to buy a bigger one, we'd spend around $450,000 ~ $500,000. Even with all we would have to put down, we'd still have a payment of about $2,500 ~ $3,000 a month and Kevin would only be making slightly more than he is now. This is provided we could qualify for any of this. Not a plan, I don't think.

SO! To make a long story short, I think we're staying put for awhile. At least geographically speaking. But I may be typing from a new house next year at this time. I hope!

Well, I've rambled long enough. I'm tired and headed for bed.

9:41 p.m. - 2003-03-23


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