ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


I have a (new) roof over my head

Stacey's and my new diary is up, if you'd like to...

take a look at it!

I used the layout from my locked diary, so some of you will recognize it.

After fifteen solid hours of...


... our new roof is on! It looks incredible. We upgraded to a dimensional roof, so the shingles have kind of a "staggered" look. The darker color makes the house look brand new. I love it! I asked Kevin if I needed to stay home while the workers were here. I wanted to be able to leave in case the banging drove me crazy. He said I didn't need to be here ~ that I could leave if I wanted to. About 38 seconds later, I took the kids and my pounding headache and left with no place in mind to go. We drove around and ended up in St. Louis, where we walked through a Big Lots, then went to meet Kevin for lunch.

I knew if I didn't eat something, my headache would promote itself to migraine status. We went to Old Country Buffet. Read: Old Fart Buffet. We were the only ones there who:

A) didn't have blue hair

B) weren't toting an oxygen tank and

C) were under the age of 90

I tried to stay within my diet while eating there. I simply can't resist stuff like macaroni and cheese, meatloaf and fried fish. I took really small portions. I should have filled up on salad, but my empty plate just sort of lead me to the hot, fattening fried foods. Oh well. I didn't do too badly. We'll see today ~ I'm weighing in soon.

I got a wrong number in the car the other day on my Onstar phone. I about shit my pants every time that phone rings over the radio. I answered it and a girl asks for Brian. I should have asked her for a credit card number to charge her (or maybe Brian) for my accepting that call.

The roofers are taking our crappy old couch! They saw it sitting in the garage and asked (in spanish) how much we wanted for it. Kevin told them "nada". They were shocked. They're taking it today. Yay!

Well, I need to get off this computer ~ storms are heading this way. It's supposed to be a chilly and rainy day. Blecch. Yesterday it was 80!

6:54 a.m. - 2003-03-25


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