ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


*MY* Hell Night!

Peggy, your Hell Night was contagious! It creeped southeastward last night and found its way to my house. Not only did the kids not want to go to bed, they were all up half the night. I had decided that I was not going to allow Griffin into bed with us anymore. Of course... decisions made with presence of mind at 3:00pm are difficult to uphold at 1:00am when you're desperate for sleep. I heard him cry and let him fuss for awhile, before I finally gave in and allowed him into bed with us to kick and hit me all night. I woke up several times bracing myself against the nightstand as he sprawled himself out, allowing me all of three inches of mattress on which to place 1 _ 6 pounds of fat rolls.

I was awakened at 4:49am to Griffin trying to sleep on my neck. I got up to pee and found Evan and Jameson fighting in their room over a Goddamn video. Then they started taking each other's toys they were cuddling with. All the screaming woke Griffin. I went into the bathroom and noticed my nose felt really tight and dry. Next thing I know, I'm having a major nosebleed all over the bathroom. I thought I might bleed to death. It was an intriguing thought at 5:00am.

Kevin was up by this time ready to go to the Y. He asked if I planned to get up with Griffin. I told him fuck no, and asked him to please put him back in his crib. Or... maybe I put him in his crib. Details are fuzzy at this point. At any rate, Griffin screamed bloody murder until Kevin got home two hours later. I tried to catch up on some of the sleep I lost, but I still feel like I was hit by a truck.

I don't know how Kevin manages to get up everyday at 5:00am, especially to go work out! The only thing that would get me up at 5:00am is if Clay or Justin or Kenny Chesney was rolling naked in $100 bills in my living room. Even then, there'd have to be some chocolate involved.

So needless to say, I'm thrashed.

I went to Target (of course... it is a day that ends in Y, after all!) then I went to the grocery store. I took the monsters from Hell to Burger King for lunch. I was fairly good. I got a veggie burger and chili. I didn't even eat any fries! My weakness!

I need to go get this house straightened up ~ it looks like a damn bomb went off in here.


1:46 p.m. - 2003-03-26


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