ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


I feel blah...

Such a blah day. I need to see my doctor. As usual, I put my own health on the back burner in the interest of my family and their health. I continue to have my daily headaches. I think it may be because of the Celexa. I've decided to go off of it as soon my rx runs out, which will be in a few days. I have to make sure to wean myself off of it slowly. The last time I went off of it cold turkey, I got so sick. I only shudder to think though, how I might be without it. I may be fine, like I was the first time I went off of it or I may be shocked as to how much perspective I lose. But I can't continue having headaches all the time. If I don't take it easy and nurse my pounding head all day, they turn into migraines and then I'm really incapacitated. I feel like a horrible mom and wife, always putting everyone off because I feel like crap. I tried taking every OTC drug known to man and nothing works at all.

Today was rainy and chilly. The guys came back to do one more quick repair to the new roof, then they took off before the rain hit.

I had my weigh~in today. No change. I guess I should be happy that I didn't gain anything. I really didn't eat well this week.

I'm headed to bed. I'm falling asleep in my chair, like I bet you are after reading this. Maybe tomorrow will be more upbeat for us all!

Sing me to sleep, Clay...

10:44 p.m. - 2003-03-25


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