ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Happy Halloween!

I thought I'd add a quick entry before my busy day starts. I apologize to those with whom I was chatting last night - AOL was in one of its moods and I got booted off. I got an error message that I managed to bury in my task bar for about half an hour, but eventually it got the better of me and booted me right off. I'm looking into getting a new AOL-free computer and starting fresh with my new ISP in CA. Larry has NetZero, so I guess I can use that. I would first have to save thousands of images to disks. I have so much shit on this computer, it's no wonder it's so bogged down.

Today we have an appointment for Jameson to meet with an occupational therapist. She (or he?) will evaluate him to determine if he needs special services. He'll attend the same preschool Evan did, then when we go to California in the spring, he'll have some school experience under his belt.

When we're done there, I'm going to go to Evan's party at his school. I thought it would be fun to get pictures of him with all his friends in costume. I hope it isn't like past visits where I was so appalled by his behavior I wanted to pretend I didn't know who he was. *Sigh* What I would give to have a normal kid for just one day.

Shit! I had typed more than this and it all just got erased because I accidently hit the tab key. All I had saved so far was what you see above. Shit. I have GOT to learn to type better so I can stop hitting the wrong keys! Shit.

Oh well, I have stuff to do anyhow. Have a happy safe Halloween, if that's your thing. Boo!

8:27 a.m. - 2002-10-31


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