ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Just Some Stuff...

I'm feeling a bit better... Griffin, however is still ailing. He is less stuffy than he was, but he still has his cough and is fussy as can be. All he wants is to be held. He had another rough night last night, waking up every hour or so, crying. I told Kevin he was on call last night, since I was the one who lost sleep the night before. He agreed. As I type this, I'm holding Griffin and trying to keep him from typing right along with me - forgive any interestingly spelled words!

I burned my arm. I was retreiving lunch from the oven and bumped my wrist on the inside of the oven. So now, as if my body wasn't grossly hideous enough, I have a quarter-sized bubble on my wrist. It hurts like hell.

Note to self: Never take all three children shopping again!! The night before last, I made the colossal mistake of taking my brood to the grocery store for a few things. Evan was as hyper as I'd ever seen him and Jameson was every bit as much defiant. They ran through that store, pulling things off of shelves, begging me to buy them everything they set their eyes on, despite how many times I told them I was only buying what I had come to buy. The only one was who wasn't driving me crazy was Griffin, but I'm sure he was taking it all in for future use. I was trying to think if I had gotten everything I needed and how much I had spent. (I only had a teeny bit left on my debit card) The kids were so jabbery I couldn't even compose a thought. I ended up leaving the store with my shopping half done. At the checkout, they had the nerve to ask for candy saying, "But we've been sooooo good!"


Last night, I went to Sam's Club because they're good about taking their sweet time to go to the bank with checks... so I stocked up on some stuff. I took Evan with me, because I figured by himself, he'd be good.

He was!

I bought my Halloween candy, like I always do at the last minute. I refuse to buy it when it first comes out the first week of September. The retailers know they can count on weak people like me, to eat the candy and have to come back every week or so to replace it! I have such a sweet tooth.

That reminds me... I have to do some mending on Griffin's costume. One of the antenna on his bumblebee costume is coming undone. Grrr..

I sent an e-mail to my deadbeat bidder telling her she had until the end of the day Wednesday to come up with payment. I told her I sell things to earn money for my family and their needs. I can't afford to allow people to abuse my policies. She paid me within the hour. But... she shorted me $1! I went ahead and sent it out to be shipped today, but I plan to write to her telling her she can fork over the remaining dollar or risk me giving her negative feedback. In every batch of auctions I place, I have at least one person who has to give me grief. Why is that? Why can't people just bid on what they can afford and pay when they win? I wouldn't dream of bidding on something and then leaving a seller in the dark for over a week.

We got our check last night for our refinance. Finally. Kevin is on his way to the bank with a check for $9,000. Before you go and get all impressed or anything... we have to pay a couple thousand to the fucking IRS and another couple to two credit cards. That doesn't leave alot. We're trying to work out a deal with a contractor buddy of Kevin's to build a fence and a deck for what we have left, which won't be much. I hope we can work something out. We do still have a check for $3,800 for the damage to our roof. Maybe we can use that towards the fence or deck. Who knows. Who cares? I won't be here after April anyway.

Well, I need to see Evan off to school and get something done around this house. Yak at y'all later.

7:46 a.m. - 2002-10-30


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