ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


My Sickest Boy

I've got one sick little boy. Sunday, Griffin started wheezing. It didn't sound too bad, so I figured I'd let it run its course. Monday, it was worse. He was laboring to breathe and his chest was caving in with every breath. We called the doctor's office and got a call back from someone at Children's Hospital. She gave us some things to try and suggested we take him to see our doctor this morning.

Griffin was up almost the entire night, wheezing. He was in good spirits, but wasn't the least bit tired. I brought him down the family room and just let him watch videos, hoping he'd grow fatigued on his own. He finally did - at 5:00am. I took him up to bed with me and we both slept in until almost 9:00am. I took him to the doctor at 11:00am, where we met with a nurse practitioner. She gave Griffin a breathing treatment, which went over like a turd in a punch bowl. He fought, kicked, hit, screamed (as well as he could) and bit. He was so vehemently opposed to this procedure, that I'm not sure how much of the medication he actually got in him.

The appointment was taking longer than I had thought it would and I hadn't given the boys lunch yet. I had planned to grab something quick to eat, then run Jameson to school. I knew that by the time we got out of there, got Griffin's prescription, had lunch and got Jameson to school, it would hardly be worth his going. I called Kevin during the appointment to ask him to call J's school and let them know he'd be out today. Jameson heard me and started to cry. That boy loves school more than life itself. I can't imagine from where he inherited such a trait. I told him for being such an understanding boy, I'd buy him a movie at Target. Surprisingly, he chose a Teletubbies DVD. I thought he had long since outgrown them. Oh well... this is something they can watch in the car and it'll keep Griffin amused, as well.

I finally got Griffin's complicated, expensive prescriptions and directions on how to use his new nebulizer. I grabbed a can of chicken noodle soup to make for their lunch and finally was ready to come home.

After lunch, I gave Griffin a breathing treatment. It began well, with him copperating and even accepting the mouth piece. After awhile, though, he had enough and began to fight with me again. He sounds a little better, but not substantially. I hope he gets better soon - his raspy voice and struggle to breathe is hard on this Mommy. I can only imagine how hard it must be on him.

Join me tomorrow for the exciting adventures of "Tenament Housing", featuring water leaks, perpetually running sprinklers and threats by other tenants towards our persons and property! Don't miss!

4:47 p.m. - 2003-09-02


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