ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary


Feet, neighbors and kids with genius IQs

After months and months of agony, I'm finally seeing a podiatrist tomorrow concerning my bone spurs. I'm not sure what, if anything, he'll do on the first visit. I'm going to push for amputation, but I'm open to other remedies - preferrably ones that might keep me in bed needing to be waited on for several weeks. Please? I'll update you.

Here's the story I promised regarding threats made by one of our new neighbors. In our complex, there are many parking spaces available to anyone - residents, guests, whomever. There are a select few covered parking spaces for those who wish to pay $30 a month to have a thin, corragated metal sheath over their heads as they emerge from their vehicle. We did not request one of these spots, but evidently one is included in the rent to those lucky (*cough*sputter*choke*) enough to rent the one and only townhouse offered by this complex.

Our assigned spot is an end space, with poles on both sides and a planter on the driver's side. I elected not to utilize this space, for fear that I would scrape off the side of my new $40,000 vehicle. That, and it isn't as convenient for me as parking in an uncovered spot closer to the building would be, especially since I'm usually unloading groceries, children or both.

Kevin wanted to use the covered spot so as to keep his company car free of hail damage and whatever the hell else might damage an uncovered car. After three weeks of living here, Kevin can count on one hand the number of times he's been able to park in his space. People, be them residents or guests, feel as if the "covered parking spaces are assigned - violators will be towed" signs decorating the complex don't apply to them. That, or they simply can't read.

One car in particular has parked there on more than one occasion. Kevin has left several polite notes asking them to please not take his spot. Note number four informed them that there will not be a fifth note, only a call to the towing company. The next morning, Kevin himself, was greeted at his car by a note. The note said, "Leave another note on my car, and I'll kick your ass!"

Here's the twist... we have parking space number (this is for all you stalkers trying to piece together where I live) 29. The person parking in our space has a parking permit on their rear view mirror for space 28! I guess their logic is, that if someone is parked in their spot, they get to take the next available spot.

So today when Kevin paid the rent.. I'm still getting used to the fact that we pay rent... the word sounds so foreign to me. Anyhoo, Kevin alerted the office to the problem, showed them the note left by our friendly neighbor and asked what they could do about it. The office immediately knew the people in question, even though the parking spaces don't at all correspond with our addresses. (Sorry, stalkers) Evidently, these people are already on probation for the very same thing! This is complaint number four about them parking in other people's spaces. This time, the office assures us the violators will be fined $100 and will lose thier parking pass (the rules of which they never followed to begin with). They've been on probation for a year over this issue.

Is a covered parking spot so fucking important that you would be willing to be placed on probation and pay a fine for it?

I just love getting off on the wrong foot with my neighbors. Everywhere we have ever lived, we've gone to battle over something or other. And everytime, we've been right, Goddamnit.

Griffin is feeling much better, I think. He's still raspy, but his little voice is coming back. The wheezing is much better and... (do I risk saying this?)

... he's


... sleeping better!!

He still vehemently opposes the breathing treatments. This afternoon, when I was giving him a toke treatment with his baby bong nebulizer, I could have sworn I heard him utter his first words, "GET THAT FUCKING THING AWAY FROM ME, BITCH!" But I could be wrong, with his voice being raspy and all.

Evan had to do a homework page for school, where he turned questions into complete sentences. For example, "What are your first, middle and last names?" Instead of just listing the names, he was to write "My name is Evan William Addison M_______." (Sorry, stalkers) The final question was, "What do you like best about yourself?" Evan was at a loss on how to answer it. I told him there were several things about himself that he should like. He's funny, fun to be around and he's smart. Evan thought, pensively for a moment, then began writing. After he was done and was getting ready for bed, I checked his work. He had written,

"I like me. I is smirt!"

Think he'll get extra credit for writing two sentences? My smirt boy...

12:02 a.m. - 2003-09-04


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