ibeachalot's Diaryland Diary




Good news! I discovered yesterday that due to the inept bookeeping skills of the condo staff, they have no record of my being there this year. I was informed that I still have all three weeks available for use. Uhhhh, whatever you say! I reserved the loft unit for October 18th - 26th and the two bedroom unit for the first two weeks of December, though it's doubtful I'll be able to use those. Anyone want to use a beach front condo this winter?

I'm relieved to have made this discovery. After an extensive online search, I was beginning to think that buying a home in the area of interest would be cheaper than finding a decent hotel with two bedrooms for a week. This allows me to save about $500 on the trip that I can put to good use stuffing my face or shopping for useless shit.

I booked my flight today, as well. I'll be flying America West and stopping through Phoenix each way. I just got back in contact with an old friend of mine (classmates.com - gotta love it!) and coincidentally, he's a pilot for America West and lives in Phoenix. Hmmm.. I wonder if he'll be my pilot? I won't say hello to him on the plane, though, seeing as how his name is Jack. Get it? Good. Maybe today isn't that best day for that type of humor. Sorry.

Today I had the first in a series of cortizone injections in my aiken feet. The x-rays indicated I have many small spurs on each heel. The woman in the exam room next to me had one huge one on her heel. I'm not sure which would be worse. He gave me the injection in my right foot, which hurt like hell until...

... the medicine kicked in!! Then it hurt like the fucking red hot hinges of hell!

The doctor said, "This will burn a little." A little, my ass! (This will be the only time you see the words "little" and "my ass" in the same sentence) It hurt worse than any pain in the history of time, second only to three unmedicated child births. I cried, it hurt so bad. I must have been holding my breath, because the doctor kept saying, "Breathe! Breathe, hon!"

The nurse then worked the medicine through the heel by way of ultrasound. I was never so glad to see a doctor leave the room. She wrapped my foot in a support bandage. They said we'll wait until next week to see how my left foot feels. He thinks my left may be hurting because it's compensating for the right. We'll see what a week brings.

You might be wondering how I got Kevin to agree to my Fall Beach Frolic Adventure. I gave him a choice of packages from which to choose, should he decide to agree to my going.


Includes the difficult task of my refraining from discussing Clay Aiken in any way, shape or form. This includes commenting on his sultry voice, his sexy pools of sea green eyes with lashes like delicate, soft feathers fluttering across his downy white porcelain skin and the ...

(as you can see, this package, if chosen, will be a nearly impossible one to execute)


Uhhhh... I can't mention it here. *Blush*


Uhhh... I really can't mention it here.

Or, my favorite,


This package is the one where he doesn't expect anything in return. Whereby he allows me to go on this trip with no conditions applied, simply because I've worked my fucking ass off the past few months getting our house ready to sell, keeping it immaculate for showings, packing hundreds upon hundreds of boxes, moving things a few pieces at a timeinto this apartment (which I found), all with children under foot and two sore feet.

We'll see which package he chooses. He may try to combine two or more packages into a custom, counter-offered package.

Well, my children are crying out for dinner, so I better conclude this novel for now.

I'm so excited about my trip!!!

4:52 p.m. - 2003-09-11


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